Separate names with a comma.
sorry, stupid kelly moment but...... what is DH?
i got a ups from them a few weeks ago after a PFB letter. inside was a letter from some gal and it said "i hope all your questions were answered...
jtw, score's?
yes i do! all 3 TU,EQ & EX. it only shows this way on EX so i am not sure what to do. BTW, credit expert updated and i lost 6 pts i'm now down to...
jeeze louise! creditexpert is workin my last nerve! i have these 2 accounts mervyns and target guest, well i noticed that their bank RNB for 6...
oh trust me i am not even considering this, i had just never heard of such thing. although isnt it interesting that looking at it, it looks like a...
basically a debit card that reports to the CRA's? what will they think of next? too many fees.
i dont have any settled on my reports now but i can tell you i have 4 "paid after charge off/collection" and i gained about 2 points, TOTAL,and im...
i was wondering, is there a way to find out how they score us? can we ask them how they do things, such as why an inquiry w/EX cost 19 pts and one...
hmmmm, you know he just said "so then i'll mark the account as settled". and i offered to pay it all, he said oh no no, i can let this go for 50%...
ok, just talked to mr. cooke. i have a charged off account from 1999 it charged off at 243.00 but is now 1032.70 w/the fees. he is going to let me...
i'm waiting for mr cooke to call me about a charged off cap 1 account that was re aged on privista. my question is who does privista represent? i...
oh no no no, remember my scores? TU 455 EQ 450 EX 510 YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Kelly
no i am in arizona, the norwest office is about a mile away.
the most weird thing that happened to me was i had a 1000.00 loan with norwest financial, i was behind 3 payments and the manager drove to my...
gotten a charged off creditcard reopened? any thoughts on how to handle citibank,target and mervyns cards that have been charged off?
oh i see, jeeze sometimes all this credit stuff gets so confusing!
then how is it i have credit cards and the inquiry that got them only shows on experian? or my cell phone? another experian inquiry.
FYI i got a mailer from HOUSEHOLD this year, getyour $ now thing. it says just visit your local H&R BLOCK and ask for your RAL. i said ya right! i...