Separate names with a comma.
need info on lawsuit involving accident-any good legal websites out there?
When you file for a chapter 7, If a debt has both spouses names on it, can just one of them file and discharge it?
If you read my posts yesterday you knew I was told the banks never responded and I was to be taken off, then a manager type decided to call the...
You responded to my previos post, But I spoke to soon, I was told this morning by chex that no one responded to the verification by the 23rd so...
I am on chex for 3 banks due to foolishness and cant even open a savings, I sent a validation letter to chex and no one responded and they took...
I am just starting to get my first round of disputes back from the big 3 for me and hubby- 22 inquiry deletions on experian on my first try on my...
Since my hubby just got updated Equifax- I want to know what UNsecured card, if any, he should try for. remember , they must use equifax.his...
How can I tell what is a hard or sort inquiry on equif? There are about 40 inquirys but there is 2 colums and dates only go in order in each column.
I just got my husbands updated equifax 1.I disputed my mortgage report, There was tons of lates and a a start to foreclose listed, we caught up...
last month I sent 6 disputes to the Big 3, Friday was the 30 day limit for creditors to respond-for experian only 1 (My 13) had a response. On the...
I have been a menber here for a month, but I have been reading as many of the old pasts as I can to try and get as much info as I can.. My...
I am clueless about this, so I hope someone can give me some insight. I filed a 13 in 1996, included in that was a ford credit car payment(car is...
what are some other great sites that have info like this on them?
Thanks to the great info on this board, when I was being spoken to like a child from a bill collector from gulf state, I was firing back reponses...
I just posted a day ago how I have a charge off from cap one and NCO was pressuring me for payment, well , guess what came in the mail today....A...
I have a chargeoff from providian and Gulf state collection now has it- so on my report I have both companys for the same account- I called...
It's not a pretty picture, but I want some advice from you experts on what you would do-(this is Exper) Chapter 13 filed in 96-discharged- off on...
I unfortunately have a cap one account that is charged off in 1998 and is with NCO, They sent me a settle offer with me giving them 3 postdated...
sad to say, but all my negs are accurate, I have sent validation letters to the credit agencys, is there hope of getting them off still?
I have a medical collection for $84 to be on report for 5 more years, Russell collection has it, I sent letter stating if they remove from reports...