Separate names with a comma.
I have a large amount of CC debt. I have never been late on payments, I don't want to hurt my credit now. What the best way to pay off the cc...
Citi Rewards is discontinuing their Brilliant Card. What's another Great rewards card??? Melissa
I got Trans union to delete an item that wasn't mine off my Credit report back in 2002....How do I get the other 2 cra's to delete it also? Do I...
Ok I have a question On Credit Reports There is an account listed as " Charge off" ,"Transferred" closed ( Transferred), Purchased by anouther...
I got something deleted off a credit report as not mine....It showed up again after a year, what do i do? Thanks...
Whate atre the new addresses for all three credit bureau's? I've been out of the loop for a while, but I remember them changing alot. Thanks:)...
Whats the the word with CHOD?? I tried to search but the server was down...anyone doing it this month?? Thanks Me
Swiss Colony has been after me for 2+ years. I've never ordered from them. I've sent validation letters ect. Finally after two years of negative...
I 've tried for a 1 1/2 to get a $50 health collection off my CR.....I give up, I'll pay...How do I do it so they show it as paid? any additional...
After the big CHOD letdown, I may pay a few things off. How do I go about doing this ? Do I pay with my CC opr a Money order, or what? I...
I'm about to get my third in one year, is this to many??? I didn't plan on getting the third one but Discover came pre approved. The last two...
I got a new Bof A exp went up 3 points....My equifax went DOWN 12!!!!! why would it go down? Thanks:) Me
I disputed a Swiss Colony account with the CRA's. One of them verified. Then yesterday I get this letter from Swiss Colony saying something...
I got a Judgement off my Exp report a couple weeks ago. I checked my score yesterday.....I was up only 3 points.....I guess it didn't help my...
Is anyone disputing Chex during the holidays?
On my TU report is has a CC company listed under satisfactory acc info section...that is under collections on my other reports. The status (as...
Is CHOD a good time to dispute inquries? Thanks Me
My friend has Sallie May on her CR.....Listed as paid but late....During Chod should she dispute as never late? Also during chod should She...
Yesterday approved for a gold card......Today I find out Experian deleted a Judgement off my credit report...finally. Thanks everyone for all the...
2 weeks ago I applied for a Bank of america card...denied ( even though I bank with them) Last week they sent me a random offer to apply for...