Separate names with a comma.
Getting ripped off by ex-apartment complex. We moved and they charged me for cleaning and other various BS. The total was $118. I was never...
Anyone ever have this issue? I moved out, cleanly so I thought, and now they've sent me to collections for $118.00. I need to refi but there's...
Hello. I have a collection on my credit report from a Pierce, Hamilton & Stern. Apparently it's related to an apartment complex we moved out...
I had a collection on my reports a couple of years ago. I disputed in writing and it was removed. Now, it was been posted on my reports again....
Maybe I'm not paying enough attetion to posts and maybe this question has already been answered but, I'm dinged on my scores for my limits not...
All: I'm in the process on bidding on a home. The issue I'm having is that my credit scores are just below what I need to qualify for an "A"...
All: I remember posting to PFB and getting courteous responses from a couple of gentelmen at Cap 1 where they assisted with my problems. I...
I really need some help here. Read and comment if you can. In May of 2000, I moved out of an apartment to move to another city due to a...
Does anyone know the bank behind this card? Is it 1st USA? If so, do you know what report the tend to pull?
All: I've come to an agreement with Citibank that if I pay off the balance of what's owed on my account they will "remove all derogatory...
Anyone have any ideas on the best way to establish credit for my business? Is it best to establish credit with companies personally prior to...
The finance company is reporting as many as 7 30-day lates and 1 60-day lates on my reports. I know I haven't been this late this often. Not...
I've disputed five accounts, all of which have sent letters stating they will remove the tradelines from my CRs. It's been over 65 days and...
Here's the deal. Sent Validation to CA on 9/3. 30+ days later, no response. Sent 2nd validation, giving them 15 days, on 10/17. Response...
Do any of you have a successful Intent to Sue fax? I've gone rounds with several CAs. No response. They know they're cooked yet they seem to...
Does anyone have a good example? I need something nice and strong. I will modify as I see fit but I want to smack down an OC who has to remove...
I've recieved three letters informing me that four accounts would be removed/updated on my CRs. This has yet to happen and it has been over 45...
I've been rounds with AT&T. Sent them a nutcase/validation. They sent a weak response with no proof of debt. Sent variation of nutcase. They...
If a creditor sends you a letter stating that they will update or remove a deragotory account, how long do they have by law?
Clarification needed. Creditor A is reporting a "Profit & Loss Writeoff" of several hundred dollars. A nutcase letter was sent to Creditor A....