Separate names with a comma.
Anyone know what effect positive closed accounts have on your score? Do they still add history? Or does the tradeline need to be open and active?
I just sent a letter to Amex......anyone have a response from them via pf??
BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!! WTF? WHY WHY WHY! Why would they do that!!! Never late, always double the min. due.......WTF!!! They lowered by...
In the summary section, I'm showing a deliquent account.......I know what it is from before, a late payment from a few years ago....but you look...
I just joined pg and saw that a company I had asked for HELOC from and then declined (rate was too high) has since pulled my report 5 more times!...
I'll be trying it out but from what I've seen so far, it's bogus.......I doubt I'll continue membership after the trial......I don't like the lay...
Anyone? Any info? What scores? The cash back it good for gas purchases? Stupid question but it only talks about "purchases" and I...
I figured what the hey and applied for the United Miles card.....switched my delta skymiles(amex) to the platinum optima w/ a fixed rate because I...
Can judgements be add to bk? I "think" so but am not long does the whole process take? Should you get an attorney, or file on...
This is the last big prime card I want and I always get denied...what's the criteria and how do you get in the door....or even the back door?LOL...
Anyone have more than 1 patelco cc? How about a combo of products?
I have 2 things holding me back..... 1. Utilization 2. History, length, time, etc. Obviouly I can't do anything about time except wait...
What is pg, where is everyone getting these scores from? I know fico....I pulled each individual, I was under the impression these "each" from the...
Do they show up on your reports? Do they help or hurt? I'm getting an Amex w/ my employer and wondering how it will effect everything........
Approved.....15k!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo!!!! My prior to that was 10k w/ citi & amex.... did have to open a savings account for $50 because it's...
I'm thinking about changing my amex plat delta card to the blue or some other equivalent...can I do that....just transfer to a different type of...
Read about these guys in the BK thread.....can anyone give some details? Anyone have signature loans? And those who have much,...
What exactly do these do to your credit score? Paying them off completely after you use it bad to have too many? How many is too many?