Separate names with a comma.
Did a new derog appear? Are your balances shooting up?
George - Let us know when you'll have a free afternoon on your vacation. I'm serious about setting something up - even if it's only 3-4 of us....
Just called Amex again. They aren't able to tell me the exact date of my account closure. They don't know if I'm in the first group or the...
He mentioned some dates... Maybe this weekend? PING: GEORGE!
That little "debt-free" thing was funny. That's like slicing my finger open and saying that I'm "cut-free" because I've put a Band-Aid on it....
Hmm. My lines exceed my income by 15% or so. I have yet to see a denial for "too much available credit". This is the one instance where I...
...and this account is from back in 97? How much extra interest have you been paying to service your debt over the last five years thanks to this...
I am a big dumb jerk for suggesting this but your mother took advantage of you and broke the law. She stole from you. You need to deal with her...
So I see that Amex, CapOne, and Generations are probably OK. How about BofA?
Wow! There are more bad actors out there than I thought! This just reinforces the need for getting those CL's up into the clouds. It would...
GEORGE is coming to Orange County? Maybe we should get together for pizza and beer and swap FICO stories... Who else is in the area?
What CC issuers have a history of jacking up APR's when balances become high? Last time I visited this issue, the worst offenders were Fleet...
I'm racking my brain here... Wasn't there a site where you could do an on-line app and then the system would give you a list of card offers for...
This beta boardware probably has a "G10k" bug. :-)
I have ZERO open retail accounts and I've never seen this reason code. 754 FICO. I agree that the reason codes seem to get shaky on high...
I've noticed several creditnetters talking about getting softs deleted. Why are they doing this? Did somebody discover something new about...
Do you have to dispute these inquiries or something? Or do they disappear on their own? My last ScorePower pull (a few days ago) still had all...
The rep said something about the accounts getting closed two weeks after the letters go out. Therefore, it looks like my LOC will be open until...
Once reaching the 700's, are retail accounts even worth messing with? Just curious, RM
Just called Amex. They confirmed what was being said here. I have yet to get my letter.