Separate names with a comma.
I have a $50 debt I want to pay off. Should I pay the Original Crediter or the Collections Agency? Thanks Me:)
Anyone have a good "Pay for deletion letter?" I have a $50 hospital bill I want to just get rid of already. But I want it off my credit......Any...
I know CHOD has to do with CRA's but has creditnet people tried it with CA's? I know alot of us have the same credit cards ect......Just a...
When mailing to experian CRRR is it better to just send dispute to The texas address or to send it to the local branch....they go through...
I was reading an old thread where everyone was talking about when they were sending off their disputes....I never got a clear date...lets try...
My friend started disputing some old cc on her credit report with the CRA's . She stopped after the second letter....this was in may. What...
All I have as a positive tradeline is a $200 secured card from Cap 1......Should I try for something else? If so what? Or should I wait until my...
If I get a Judgement off my credit report.... If I try and get a loan for a house, as long as it doesn't show on my CR will they still know about...
I started creditnet with a TU score of 471...I didnt have the scores of the other two CRA but their reports were worse so I'm guessing they were...
I've had Providian on my CR since 3/99 I owe like almost $800. I started getting letters from RMA a couple months ago. They are also now on...
Whats the lowest score anyone had and still got a loan? What was on your credit reports and u still got a loan?
I have a judgement from 1997....$550....It's only on my EXP report.....should I dispute it? Does disputing a judgemnt work the same as disputing...
What are the best ways to make my credit score jump higher? thanks:) Me
I have a judgement that won't fall off until 2004....If I pay it, will it help my credit score? It's about $550 ......thanks
I've done alot with my credit....lots of things are gone....I still have about 4 derogs on each report ( the same ones) They won't come...
I owe a CC company $712. It's been on my report for 3 years now. Last month $712 showed up under another company's name also. A CA probably.......
I've been fighting Wells Fargo about two CC from when I was 18 ( like almost 7 years ago) They ignored me forever, finally validated. They sent me...
What's the different between all the credit cards? Secured ( I have one) but whats the diff between sub and sub prime cards? Also can a secured...
I sent a validation letter to a medical collection agency about a $50 collection thats on my CR. The first one they ignored, I sent a second...
On my CR, a Derog is listed with Ic systems ( CA). But another CA (Pr Asset) is calling about the debt. When I sent a validation letter to the IC...