Separate names with a comma.
Would you mind sharing your scores with another 400 club member. I did'nt think anyone on this board had scores in the 400's besides me. My TU...
Do you have to purchase anything to dispute online with all 3 bureaus?
bump your earlier post?
This morining I was reading several post that stated we needed to check with our States Depts. to see if CA's are able to collect in our state. I...
Hello to all and thanks for all your knowledge. I have listed my fiances entire report from CSC Credit Services below and would to know how to go...
I can hardly tell which letters to use for the removal of inquiries and the disputing of accounts. Can someone guide me please. Thanks.
to the #1 reason that we all are here. I have looked forward daily to this site because it gives me inspiration to get my things in order. I...
How do you get inquiries removed that you honestly did not authorize? Also, will the removal of some inquiries help score rise?
Hello all. Been gone awhile due to PC problems so I have questions (lots). I value everyone's opinion so please feel free to jump in. 1....
In regards to my earlier post, I'm not sure if it is too stupid of a question(s) or maybe nobody can help me out with an answer or suggestion....
I have a question that I know is bizarre. I have 4 cards that I was forced to stop paying on 12/00 due to loss of job. I also have a repo. from...