Separate names with a comma.
Agreed. Fork over the dough, apologize profusely, and throw in a fruit basket and a gift certificate to Bennigan's while you're at it. Good...
Re: Re: Dispute Question A little while ago, Marie pointed out some interesting ramifications of this in an excellent thread entitled "TU old...
Good point. In fact, we're not really their customers at all; rather, we (or at least our credit histories) are the raw material for their...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Household MC of Thanks for the info :) I'll definitely keep that number handy. wajaba
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Household MC of Well, I feel like a hundred bucks! Four hundred, to be exact. It was a no-go on a credit line increase for...
As of this morning, I've got you all beat. Equifax is showing my birth year as 0000. I plan on basing my dispute on the fact that this year...
AT&T Wireless has something called the GoPhone package, which is pretty much a prepaid plan with automatic deductions from a credit card or bank...
Re: Re: You KNOW you have bad credit when.. That's good info, Flyingifr. Sorry you had to be the lab rat for this little experiment, though :(...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Household MC offer Nightlifer: A 100% increase right off the bat...not too shabby. I'll give it a shot... George: Thanks...
What?! What was their reason, if they even gave one? wajaba
Re: Re: Re: Household MC offer I'm tempted just to call Household and ask them not to activate the card. The hit for a new account on my CRs...
Got an email from Household Bank today: "Welcome! Congratulations! Hello there! Great to have ya! Hi! Here's your $400 card." Actually,...
Thanks, Butch :) And thanks for the info...I musta missed that one. This statement in David's post is particulary interesting: "Now...
Has anyone heard of the Partnership to Protect Consumer Credit? If you go to their web site, you'll see that their raison d'être seems...
Thanks, Rich. Speaking of bumping older posts, I was looking for a thread from a year or so ago concerning breast implants, but couldn't seem to...
Good question. I don't presume to have any inside knowledge or anything, but I think that carrying a small balance at least some of the time (as...
Ah, so the replies are instantaneous, regardless. So much for my lame trick. Did they check EQ for you guys? And what were/are your scores,...
Like many of you, I received the pre-approved offer from Household for a MasterCard with "No Security Deposit, up to $1,500 limit..." etc. It's...
And the sad thing is, that Marin card is still better than the platinum ice-scraper I got from Providian recently ($250 cl, 23.99% apr after a...
Behold... The First National Bank of Marin Platinum Card. wajaba