Separate names with a comma. wajaba
Paystubs and phone bill, for me... wajaba
Thank you, thank you ver' much! :) wajaba
I, for one, would like to thank you for your frequent visits to this board. Your presence helps to remind me that there are worse things in life...
Is Rob the skater guy, the one who looks sort of looks like a knockoff Tommy Lee? wajaba
She didn't say. wajaba
Giving secured increases only. Last rep I spoke to about a month ago had no idea they were ever in any financial trouble. I didn't have the...
I'm going to make sure the back of my neck is nice and smooth for the bar code. Can anyone recommend a good hair removal cream? wajaba
No problemo...I'm rather enjoying this "stroll down jingo lane," as Jon Stewart would put it. :) wajaba
A guy walks into a bar, orders a shot of whiskey, then another, and then one more. Bartender sez, "What's the occasion there, fella?" Guy sez,... opposed to an indoor outhouse, I guess. wajaba
You're wilcome! wajaba
Nowadays it's easy: Country with oil = EVIL EVIL EVIL! MUST STOP NOW! Country without oil = Rwanda who? (And before somebody points it...
Re: car, house buying discussion boards? marci, This isn't really a car-buying board, per se, but the Car Talk bulletin board can still offer...
Dogman, if CN had a Post of the Week, this should be it. I don't have much more to add, except this amusing piece that's uncomfortably close to...
Bobby, Why did you pick as your most recent handle the name of a morbidly obese, inbred halfwit from a children's TV show? Do you identify...
Since you put it so eloquently, here you go, bosshog:,,id=97851,00.html They say that when...
But if you scroll down to the 'features and benefits' section of their secured card page, you'll see that the card supposedly offers...
I wonder how these folks would respond to a validation request: wajaba
The same horny teenage boys who've kept Nikki on life support this long are the same ones who won't be paying for any forthcoming Nikki McKibbin's...