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I applied and was approved for a secured MasterCard and Visa from FCNB for $750 each. I'm hoping that both accounts will be unsecured within two...
Just out of many folks were in good standing prior to declaring bankruptcy? I know my creditors will be in complete shock since...
I've been reading and searching the posts for info for the best credit mixture after bankruptcy. My goals are to buy a house in three years and to...
I'm just about to declare bankruptcy. As part of my preparation, I pulled my CRA's and discovered two department store credit cards that I had...
I've researched my options and bankruptcy appears to be the best solution. I looked into debt negotiation and the problem is even if my credit...
On the CreditNet board, a member wrote that one of his creditors offered to reaffirm his Capital One debt from $8000 to $2500 at his bankruptcy....
I always thought the homestead exemption referred only to exemptions on dwellings. However I was listening to a lawyer on the radio last night and...
Would secured cards be considered an asset during a bankruptcy? I have been considering opening two accounts with Sterling and FCNB prior to...
Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh!!! Asked a few simple questions and the air war over Afghanistan just moved to CreditNet...
Re: Preparing for Bankruptcy -- LON Starting hunting down all my credit card and bank statements for the past two years before I go see a lawyer....
Re: Preparing for Bankruptcy -- LON
My roommate just emailed this to me at work. At least I don't feel quite so bad about declaring bankruptcy. Cynthia...