Separate names with a comma.
Just would be curious to see if the system will give an increase the 2nd time around
When you click and request a auto increase but get denied then wait another couple of minutes to click it again, what will happen? does it lock...
Update....... I called the clinic today to inquire about my account, she told me that the insurance co contacted them on the wednesday the 14th...
GEORGE........ how long ago was this when Discover gave you the 2 cent small balance charge off? and how did Discover update your account on...
I have a weird feeling that they use the words "CHARGE OFF" in "LOW BALANCE CHARGE OFF" though. I don't like the term charge off lol Can any...
I called the lady at the insurance co on tuesday and she said she got all the papers I faxed her and sent it to the claims department for payment...
I just got off the phone with Discover and I asked if it will have any negativity on my credit report, she said no, it will have no negative...
Ok I see but how would they update your credit report for your balance for that month? I am still amazed at how they can do this, if everyone...
are you sure you can charge a couple of bucks a month and Discover will pay it and keep quiet? I mean it would be a great deal wouldn't it Do...
Ok now what, do I have to pay this later on or what? Is this "chrage off" gonna be on my credit report?
My last billing period ended and when I went to check the account it says "SMALL BALANCE CHARGE OFF -$ 1.83" under Payments and Credits. I made...
arghh I called the insurance co today and the rep who was handling my case is out today and will be back tomorrow. Would it be necessary to ask...
I think I will get a clearer picture on what the situation is when I send the fax over tomorrow, what sucks is that the insurance co's customer...
The insurance co rep told me to fax her a copy of the referral because it has a referral # on it and I do see the # imprinted on the referral,...
ok so if I pay in the meantime, wouldn't the insurance company find out the bill was somehow paid and they don't have to pay the bill? and I...
How long does it typically take before a clinic will sent it to collections?
I was wondering the same thing, I was referred to the clinic and handed them the referral from the doc, if I didn't do that the clinic would not...
I went to a clinic referred to by my doctor in May. Today 3 months later I reveived a letter from the clinic indicating "your insurance carrier...
What is the purpose of putting an authorization on a CC when you make a purchase? The authorizations put on the CC don't match the total purchase...
How about sending a request through their website and asking for one w/o inquiry, has anyone done that?