Separate names with a comma.
Hey, guys any idea what this people are tlaking abou? I keep receiving this emails to this web...
what's your income...
I went to website to make a paymnet and guest wath the CL was down half I did contact CS and this was her answer... Message Detail:...
I did received one offer from them 6 months ago and I did responde online same response ....after 3 weks i did received a cc with a whopping...
Yes, I did received AT&T Universal card cl for $7500 back on 12/02 last month I did received AT&T Universal Card Rewards ...invitation after...
Do you happen to know the number?
Re: On a related note... Palisades !!! I got them on my EQX report and they got me on collections for $389.00 I have never had an AT&T cell phone...
Error 404--Not Found From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1: 10.4.5 404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching...
You are rigth my has only a loan from Ford credit, that's from my previous trading...nothing else
Question: How many cc are too much to lower my score? AT&T Platinum.... 6500 AMEX Blue........... 2000 Discover Classic... 1500...
Did you call customer service like she did, to appeal?
If it a hidden line of credit , how or where do you apply is in the website from amex?
What is a LOC I mean I know is some kind of checks but I need more info about it and what's the minimun score to apply?
What's the direct line for Amex MORE ?
My goodness you sound like a salesperson to me...
Perdon my ignorance but what is Fleet? Visa, MC, ...?
Ok, what's ther number for the MORE group... I did ask the rep and she didn't knew it.
I did call them back for the re-consideration and the rep told me that bcs it was system generated they don't know the reason...
I did call the 800 and I was denie...I will received my letter in 7-10 business days... Fico Equifax=687
I just received my Amex(green) anybody knows how long should I wait so I can applied for the blue or there is no relation?