Separate names with a comma.
I have a click citi line that was about 3/4 used until 2 days before my billing cycle ended (on 8/9), at which point I paid it off in full. I... This seems amazingly cheap for an unsecured line....
Thanks Momof3, it appears it isn't easy to get good info about this. I may just have to visit a branch.
Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb Doc, did you happen to call back Amex on the 0% promo offer?
I did some digging about this product, and would love more information about it. I posted a thread with the little I found at...
Congrats! Interesting product: I assume you mean...
Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb you bet MandyB, so glad to have been of help :) I wish there were more cross-pollination between FW...
Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb Thanks for the kind words Doc, glad you found the thread useful! Hope to see you (and other CN members) in...
Re: Converted AmEx Blue to Cash Reb Doc, greetings and congrats! I have tried several times to get my Blue converted, calling MCS, more, and...
Interesting...I would have thought that being closed would be enough. Thanks. Any other insights on this question?
I have good credit--no lates ever, lots of lines. I have dropped into the lower 700s because of of 0% BT offers and inquiry issues. I'd like...
We have lived in our current house since 10/99. We bought with a mortgage, but then paid off the mortgage last fall thanks to a netbank 5.25%...
Thanks Melvina! I'm growing increasingly tempted to just pay them the tiny balance, even though it would gall me to do so! It's hard to...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've spent 1+ hours and 4 phone calls over a check from my billpay service that target visa lost on my wife's...
miles, consider applying for a no hassle card AND TRANSFER A BALANCE when you do it. I bet good money that with your scores and payment...
Thanks for the reply Dani! Sounds like my experience here may be typical.
I suspect I have an explanation. When you log in to your account, there is a "promo box" in the upper left corner of the main display area....
I have a $19,800 Blue line, 3 years old, not increased in 3 years. I was approved last night online for their new cash rewards card, $2,000....
I could have sworn that I saw a way to transfer balances to my Captial One card online at their web site last week. I'll be darned if I can...
I have a new Platinum card, and a kind CSR told me without my prompting that my chances for a line increase were significantly greater if I asked...