Separate names with a comma.
Ok 3 of my accounts turned 2 years old today, and another turned 1 year today. My balances are low, I have no recent negs. in fact today ANOTHER...
Hubby has ONE derog left on his EQU report. A CA from 6/98 for $119. I didn't want to go validation route for such a small amount, plus knew what...
Ok I'm sending my "dunning" letter to a CA tomorrow, see it here:...
Quick run down: 12/01 got 1st CA letter 1/12/01 sent CA fax asking for validation heard nothing. 5/02 entry popped onto my TU report 6/02...
I spoke to Mr Cooke from Cap1 on Thrusday of last week. They had changed my R5 BACK to an R9, he said he would take care of it. I told him I...
I just pulled the TU FICO and my file has been mixed with someone elses!!!!!!!! This woman lives in the same state, her name is listed her...
Ok my parents are buying a gas station in Crystal River Florida and they have offered us BOTH jobs. Of course the pay is a little less, but at...
I am out of job as of 4pm tomorrow, the owner of the land is taking the gas station away from my boss (violating the lease agreement). BTW my boss...
I just went online and fo some reason my available credit says $0 when it should be a lot more than that. I'm at work and I dont have my Citibank...
I had signed up for the 30 day free trial for CW, but towards the end of 30 days I wasn't able to access my report anymore. When I called CS they...
I got a preapproval for Southwest airlines CC and I noticed it was provided by FUSA. Anyone have this card? How is the CS? the beginning CL's? Who...
Ok guys and gals- I am EXTREMELY nervous, when I really have no reason to be. I have filed for "legal" custody for my son (we were never married...
I never knew this but Meatloaf and Billy Joel filed BK. Meatloaf said he was sued for $85 million dollars!!!!! He said "I knew it got bad when I...
Yep, approved WOOHOO, finally a retail card (I hope). Only problem I don't know if *I* am approved or hubby is, we both applied same day and used...
Here's the scoop: My son is getting a $4K settlement for a dog bite that happened last year. My state says because it is under 5K, I am not...
On May 27th hubby tried to use his brand new Target Visa card AT Target, it wouldn't go thru and the 800# biatch said we needed to fax over DL, SS...
I am driving from NH to Florida July 3rd and I need your help. I will be going 95 the whole way, but I was wondering if there are any major...
Hubby filed a small claims suit against a CA back in January, our court date isn't until at least August (haven't gotten the exact date yet,...
Well I can't a hold of my boss regarding the raise (he won't return my calls), BUT about a month ago I got a BoA card, which was SUPPOSED to have...
Ok some of you may recall hubby and I work together. All in all our job is great. We work at a gas station and we are responsible for everything...