Separate names with a comma.
What did you say in your email? Who did you email it too? I already sent a blistering email to their Executive Offices via PlanetFeedback on...
Or, if you're unlucky like me, you'll get locked out of their system for TOO MANY soft inquiries. (But several others have been receiving the...
Breeze, You beat me to the punch on that. I wonder if "equifaxsucks" is taken or "equifaxfraud"? I'll check it out. (Just checked,...
I'm sorry to hear about the re-insertions. I can only HOPE that doesn't happen to me as well but only time will tell. It definitely sounds like...
This is getting ridiculous. I've already gotten some very good feedback and a full day hasn't gone by yet. Give this post a few days, and we may...
Welcome Sloopy! Oh wait.... I'm a bit of a newbie myself... but I've been lurking in the shadows for almost a year now.... muahahahaha!!!!...
Thanks for the tip! I was simply hand counting yesterday out of disgust for their system. Didn't even think to check the tabs for a summary....
LOL, I know what you mean! I got up to 80-something and just said "I have at least 100 on here" probably around 125! Maybe I will count mine...
Congrats! I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones. I can't even access my report anymore which I PAID for. Read 'Equifax - ERROR 45D' if...
BigH, Thanks so much for that tidbit of information! See, this just lets me know that the problem CAN be fixed. This will give myself and...
Breeze, How long have you been a Credit Watch member? Since the "UNLIMITED" days or previously (limited to around 6 or so)? Also, do you...
Hmm.. the plot thickens! The only account that I have in dispute is for a few late pays from years ago on one account. There must be something...
Could be. You were never locked out of the system? Not even for a few days? That's really unusual that some are locked out but not others... I...
Exactly! That's why I don't buy their line of BS. I just want access to my report. I wasn't looking to make a big deal out of this but I will...
No, they don't specifically quote 'one a day' but that's how often the database is updated. It's the same way with the other two bureaus. That's...
I've been pulling my EQ report more recently and received a message the other day stating: "We are currently unable to provide your product...
creditman, Has it been 24 hours since your last report was pulled? That sounds like the standard message you'll receive if it's been less than...
Re: Experain-We do not have a fax # Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I'm from Detroit too! Ah, Faygo, Vernors and Bettermade, there's...
Breeze, I received the same message the other day (Error 45D). I had been pulling my report daily. I've already spoken to 2 reps and a...
Good idea, George. Although I think I'll just pull my report every day for the next month or so and see how that works out. I used to hate to...