Separate names with a comma.
I just called and asked He's from Boro Park and went to school at FDR. He went to Brooklyn College at Flatbush Ave. and Avenue H and...
On the other hand...if you dipute, they will delete the tradeline. I'm getting rid of some recent tradelines this Play the system...
I pulled a few minutes ago looking for a Target inquiry and had no problems. (Can anyone tell I have nothing to do tonight but post at...
I settled with all three defendants in two separate cases and yes, I would consider them all wins as I was pleased with the outcomes. L
They didn't pull anything unless its just not showing up yet. Only did it about an hour ago...or if by some chance they pulled TU (doubtful). I...
File a lawsuit. Sometimes enough is enough and if you've reached that point, then go for the money. I know everyone says "its not about the... can do a search and read other threads regarding this issue. It really stinks! They used to leave it blank, but they've started...
Uh, uh...I never can We lived on Staten Island before moving up here. We both worked in Manhattan (him for 24 years). I haven't...
Okay, so it was only an increase of $100, but since it was previously only $200, I thought that was pretty I didn't even have to talk...
I'm upstate transplanted from the city (well not really as I didn't live there that long, but hubby was born and raised in Brooklyn so that makes...
That's interesting. What is their NexGen scoring system then? You know...the one where there is a different scoring model for subprime...
The almost always pull all three when you apply and they also do account reviews on all three. It bites, but what can you do? L
Request an adjournment and then work on getting your hubby up to speed. Sounds like your courts are so backed up you may get a month or two...
They pulled Equifax. I'm in NY and at the time, my score was 682 (it has plummeted to 650 with four inquiries though <pout>) L
I was thinking that Best Buy was one of the harder retail cards to get, so imagine my suprise today when it came in the mail. L
If you are the only one who has seen this file, then it won't matter. In order to have damages, someone other than yourself has to see a...
They do not have extra time due to mail. They have thirty days from the day they received the dispute...including weekends and holidays. There...
Was he under 18 when he had this card? If so, you may be able to get them to remove it. If he can get rid of the tradeline, as a student it will...
That's terrific! Did you dispute ten at one time? I'm considering doing about that many for my dh during CHOD, but am a bit nervous about doing...
I agree...dipute with the CRAs first. If they come back verified, then validate with the CA and after you get the green card back, dispute again...