Separate names with a comma.
Is the trick dead? I tried accessing my report and just get a blank page too...
thanks the other--I appreicate your reply, and I'm sure many others feel in the same boat--I certainly do. :) I suspect no one has anything...
any other thoughts? I'm leaning towards just keeping $5,500 of the $15,6 balance on unless someone has convincing arguments that this is not...
the silence is deafening bump...:)
breeze, that's my FW thread...I'll update the post to reflect your information. Could you provide more details RE which cards were cash advances?...
not giving up quite yet bump :)
It all depends, the other. I use credit aggressively, will be buying rental property, etc. and do not want to tube my score for the sake of a...
I hear you George, but I know from experience that this factor isn't arbitrary. As I've posted before, my score dropped from the 700s to the...
Thanks JD, that's my guess too.. Anyone have more info/experience/inside info to add?
I'd answer, but I see Momof3 beat me to it. :) Any informed feedback on this? TIA
I have a 15,600 line on my new Plat Select card, 0% until 12/02. My question: How much can would you all suggest I use on this line without...
Thanks--that's my CSR number. Perhaps I'll just be patient until Monday. :)
breeze, thanks for the excellent answer :) I gather that there's no downside to the conversion? I'm concerned that he might not get the _fee...
Thanks again breeze, I called the new card CSR line, but it's the same phone number as my own click (that's what I want to move around $10,000...
Update: got the new card in the mail today. Called about a BT, and the CSR didn't know of any way to patially move a credit limit from one...
Hi all, My friend's son has a 678 Equifax (citi pulls this, apparantly) with no lates or black marks . His 2d reason for the score not being...
Update: Called today, was approved for $5,600. I'm a little surprised that it wasn't closer to 10K or so. Perhaps it's time to inspect my...
Geroge, I think it depends on the line. It's not much if the line is generous. Of course, why pay anything if you don't have to? ;)
Eaxctly Sam--that wording was what convinced me that the "before april 15" fee waiver in the paper might be saved for phone applications. My...