Separate names with a comma.
A little bump for the pros and many knowledgable amatuers out there. Hope I didn't overindulge wiht the questions, and that you all had a nice...
breeze, thanks for the reply! I'm a little confused tho (could just newbie naivette.) Do you mean you had a loan reported as late that shouldn't...
Thanks bkev. The part about mortgages, etc. is consisent with my (limited) monitoring too. Not sure I understood your point about them being...
fascinating--like so much in this area, there seems to be little consistency. But it does sound like not only are their good cash-management...
Greetings all, I'm a brand new member with a similar question, so I thought I'd bump this. I gather that mj and rubyjean are professionals?...
I have no idea :) I have seen reports in 3 different general interest sources in the past week saying it's becoming increasingly common...sure...
Tom, if you happen to see this, would you send me a line indicating if you got my message? no need to reply other than that. Thanks. :)
Hi all, A firstUSA CSR said that they report CC balances to the big 3 at the end of every calandar month. I wonder if this is common practice,...
Thanks for your answer Tom. I wish CE let you monitor all 3 agencies--that'd definitely be worth the annual fee for me. YGM, BTW.
matty61184, Wanted to interject and congratulate you on some very responsible decision making as well as an excellent start on your adult life....
Thanks for the additional datapoint Tom (do I have your name right?) Do you carry balances, or simply use the lines to manage cash? Also,...
Hi Terri, Yes, when the 0% interest period expired and I knew how much the remodling would come to, I lined some resources up and paid the...
Thanks bkev for that friendly and helpful answer :) "Correct answer... NO one knows! Most commonly believed in answer... 1/3 of your credit...
Hi All, What a great and well needed-board! I just discovered you all, and look forward to much broswing. :) Here's one immedite question:...