Separate names with a comma.
While looking for an answer to this I ran across this...
that depends on if it was included in her BK. Tell her to check her records.
Congrats! I have one as well. It is great. I can not wait to test it out in the snow! WTG!
Re: The Piggy-back method..... ROFL
We have the PS Citi card from the BDD. Opps hit send to fast... Anyway, score at the time was 650ish. They combined the AA gold and silver...
I did prove otherwise. I called. Feel free to do the same. I then would suggest that you call the OK City Poilce and bring to their attention that...
jrjr- Look I posted the phone number to the OK City fire department. There was no fire at the address he has listed with his telephone number. I...
jr- How do you know that this "person" isn't Bill? Do you honestly think that he would not do that?
In case anyone is truly curious there was NO fire reported on the street that the reverse telephone directory has for Bills number. Unless he has...
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB LKH, I am not quite sure about that. I will do a search and try and find out. I did contact my congressman and...
Congrats! Doc? Where in the world do you have the time to get all these stats? You my friend, are good!
Hey, Bill is good at copying documents and putting them on the computer. He has got 5.00 from me if he would like to post a copy of the police...
I just went back and reread his thread. I am surprised that the fire department would use water to put out an electrical fire. And I take back my...
I do not get why people are getting so upset here? I saw the post on the Creditwrench site. I also noticed that this was this persons first and...
Re: Son of a nutcase gone BBB anyone?
LKH, To be honest this whole lawsuit thing is VERY frustrating to me. I am going through it right now with my x-landlord. I do not have the...
Nextel pulled EQ for me in Michigan. No deposit after speaking to a supervisor. They accidently pulled a Dunn and Bradstreet report on me the...
OK. I wrote a complaint using the Son of A Nutcase letter. Tell me what you all think before I hit send to the BBB. As a brief summary I state...
I say this what seems like 50 times a year. EVERYONE has their own opinion. Mine is that Bill's insurance should surely compensate for the items...
What State are you in? Some leases give you 10 days to break the lease. Read the lease carefully.