Separate names with a comma.
So if I can get the other information that is bad off,it will bring my score back up?Also I just paid off my cc will that help ?
raider for the oakland raiders
TU deleted one of my good ones too, I wish they would do the neg. ones that easy
Thank you have a great weekend
Me too going backwards one paid tax lien/97 charge off cc 458 from 1/2000...
Does anyone have a good letter for the creditor or ca when its be over the 30 days for there reply, and they have not responded Thanks
I searched back and found this post from bkev, and I think it is because of the accounts I disputed coming back verified with a new date....
yes ,but yours went up I lost almost 40 points
Same question I have 34 equifax inquires are they affecting my score they recently deleted 2 paid judgements and one collection my score has...
Equifax removed 2 paid judgements and one chargeoff my score dropped from 599 to 561, I dont understand why,
Hi I have this on one of my accounts on my credit report does anyone know what it means??12RECONCILATION DATE
I also received a itemized print out from the ca and then a letter from the company that bought out saying the debt I was disputing saying they...
The idea came from BKEV. This is exactly what he posted I am just quoting it: "Trans Union... yes, try an online dispute. List the name of...
Hi may I ask what the opt out strategy is, Thanks
I know the first time I tried it ,they would remove them the second time they took them all off including one of my positive accounts!!
Make sure you fill in all the info or you will get blocked for 30 days, dont ask how I know this{lol}
Thank you
Can you use them for providian, can you negotiate yealy fees and finance charges with providian on this site or do you have to go thru providian...
Thank you!!!
Thanks Bkev, still trying to get them off , they never told me if you get a payment deferal it will show as late 16 times