Separate names with a comma.
I thought I read somewhere that if you set up an automatic payment plan with a CA (to have the money automatically taken from checking) they have...
My TU (which seems to be what EVERYONE pulls for me) is 580ish My husbands is 569. What are the odds of us getting one of those decent car rates...
to raise my score? Here's what I have: car loan open 1x's 60 days late bal $17000 late 12/00 (only late on EX) car loan closed never late 31...
Apparently if you have the old Aria classic card (now getsmart) there is no grace period. I know all of this stuff is in the disclosures, but I...
I called the CA they told me it has been paid (3 accounts) I called the CRA (TU) and they start giving dates and contact names at the CA that told...
I keep trying to sign in but whenever I try to enter my user ID I get a script error. Anyone else havin g this problem? I'm glad I'm not paying...
So I'm trying to refresh my worthknowing, I delete the account and do the sign up all over again. Except it can't "authenticate" me. As far as I...
My hubby has a fraud alert on all 3 reports, we can't get a FICO online or a TU report cause of it. Has anyone had any luck with Creditexpert, if...
I had a charge off, I paid it to the creditors internal collection agency sent a letter agreeing to remove it. TU and Exp deleted the day I called...
I didn't pay my cell phone bill. For many reasons. I cancelled it in July and they charged me $150 for a 'changing plans fee' and then $200 FOR A...
Well it took them 14 days from the original "rush" but the original "rush" they had the wrong phone numbers for BOTH creditors and ended up...
I keep getting this message: System currently unavailable at this time. Please come back and try again later. Any one else having problems?...
My hubby paid a charge off in exchange for it to be removed, well stupid me never got the agreement in writing. So I PFB'd them, they sent a...
Ok I cancelled it yesterday before the 30 days were up (would have been 30 days tomorrow). If I re-sign up for it RIGHT NOW, will they charge me...
Has anyone ever dealt with these pr!cks? Do they report to the credit bureau? I sent a validation letter to them the day after I got the 'send...
All 3 bureaus deleted a paid charge-off I had, plus I had one more unpaid charge off on my reports and I contacted the creditor and said I don't...
When you dispute inquiries with Equifax and they send you the 'results' at the top it says Equifax contacted each source directly and our...
Does EQU separate the inquiries shown only to you and the ones seen by the creditors when they send you an update? All it says is companies that...
I am ready to file my small claims (on Friday) they keep verifying my Ford late pay even after I sent an 'official' FORD document saying I wasn't...
I sent a validation letter a little while back, less than 30 days ago. I got an 'itemized bill that I requested'. I never requested an itemized...