Separate names with a comma.
Congratulations KustomKat!! I know that part of California is expensive. I know I'm being nosy, but how much did it cost you? Charlie
Way to go Mark LA!! I still am behind you to get 200K in CL's. What kind of score did you have when you got the cards? Nice opening CL's. Charlie
Way to go Butch! I know you worked hard to get it. Charlie
Re: The collector buys insurance- true! daisies, Thank you for your "side of the story". Alot of what you are saying is common sense, but we...
You want them to sign for the letter before Thanksgiving, preferably on Wednesday the 27th. Charlie
Law to Protect Debtors Can Be a Windfall for Lawyers By ADAM LIPTAK ugh D. Brauer, 73, has a one-man legal practice in Highland, Ind. He...
How long does it take for the TU bumpage to work? 45 Days? Charlie
Re: Sassy/Anyone w/Small Clm Experi Greg, I personally don't know or care why you are in a pissing contest with LKH or Sassy. It really doesn't...
Don't try Nextel. They have the strictest policies of any phone company, so I've heard. They wanted a girl mid 500's to put up 1k deposit, but...
Did you try and dispute the account via the CRA's first? Did the bank send the chargeoff to a CA? Charlie
I appreciate CCollector's honesty and balls for coming on the board. Welcome!! I totally agree with marci and davidkinde. Just because he is a...
Re: Sassy/Anyone w/Small Clm Experi Sassy, Your posts are full of GREAT content. The man of the house must be out of town for you to be on so...
Re: Sassy/Anyone w/Small Clm Experi Sassy, I see that you have been quite busy in the last week or so!!! You come up with the most awesome...
No! Texas fan here 49-0!! Charlie
Marie, I agree totally with you on her credit advice. I heard her tell a guy that had a paid collection that it wouldn't hurt him and that there...
Way to go gib! Have you thought about suing EQ about the split file? I bet it would get fixed real fast if you sent an Intent to Sue letter at...
Please don't mention Creditnet on Inside Edition! Could you just imagine how many people would be signing up? Think of all the newbie questions,...
That WAS the 70's.......from what I've heard. ;) Charlie
Not enough!! My internet went down on Friday, and I didn't get it back up til 10pm last night! Story of my life....I can never get it back up...
......and bed!!!! Charlie