Separate names with a comma.
Not an expert at anything, but you can send them a cease and desist letter by certified mail telling them not to contact you any further. If they...
I would start with written validation. Wait thirty days and if they ignore, send it again giving them fifteen days. If they ignore...send a...
Chargedoff...I just sent you an email. L
Coldnorth...why not just take the easy way and call and ask for the payoff amount? Wouldn't that be the fastest and most accurate way to your...
I don't recall exactly but I believe TU was somewhere around 652. As I recall, I applied for Generations and Chase around the same time and...
Thing is...the reaffirmation has to be approved by the trustee. Don't be suprised if your attorney wants to charge you more to fix this. Stand...
Geez...Chase only offered me a secured card when I applied despite no derogs on my Too bad...I don't anticipate opening any new...
I am really not comfortable in doing so publicly. I haven't seen the terms yet, but I'm pretty sure there will be a confidentiality clause in the...
Yes...if the account is paid, its paid. They are supposed to update to the current status of the account. Even if you paid the original...
I posted something a while back, but I can't recall from basically stated something about a payment has to be posted the day it was...
To my knowledge, no. TU at least gives some response in that they will send you back a list of names and addresses in response to a procedure...
Way to go!!!! Feels great, doesn't it??? L
Oh have a lot of stuff! Credit Watch Credit Expert Credit Net (numerous links to various postings) Pro Se Litigant...
The answer to this is no. OC's are not bound by the FDCPA...but they are bound by the FCRA and while they are not required to validate...they are...
It has come to my attention that some state statutes say per episode and NOT per action. I believe in Texas this is the case. Someone sent me a...
Hurry back, Kel! We'll miss you!!!!! L
Do a search for amortization schedules and you should be able to find an online calculator. In the alternative, if you want a better picture,...
LMBOPIMP! I've had this happen. The logic always escaped me, but thank you so much for clearing this up. "As luck would have it, they...
I'm with Lizardking on this one. Who cares? There is nothing I say here that I would not say in front of a judge or not want a jury to hear...
I have a pending case right now against Experian in federal court and yes...I am holding them accountable. L