Separate names with a comma.
Radiohead, Man, you should call the kharma police! (I crack me up) Anyhoo, welcome to the board... wajaba (By way of explanation:...
Ricky sounds like a dicky. wajaba
On this board, I've read more good comments than bad on the subject of Orchard Bank. I still have a question, though: will the addition of a...
GHONEYHONE, Sorry to hear about your son. Not to sound discouraging, but I was in the same situation where I switched jobs (and my address),...
Cool, that's good to know, jonesing. Christi, I was thinking the same thing, until I came across this post sort of recently:...
Thanks, I'm thinking about getting it engraved on my mailbox, or something. wajaba
No kidding. With specs like those, you can pretty much shoot for an unsecured Citi. wajaba
The minimum's $250, and I'm not sure whether or not you can add to that after the fact. wajaba
In case anyone's interested, here are the requirements for a Bofa secured card (emailed to me earlier this morning): Thank you for your...
You would think that a charged-off revolving account would be closed, by definition. While doing an online dispute through EQ, though, I noticed...
missy73, The latter. I've had mixed results with disputing a paid judgement based on discrepancies between the court filing and its CRA...
But even if you had some sort of tacit agreement with the creditor that they would be a no-show at the trial, wouldn't your motion still have to...
Wells Fargo offers a secured Visa, even with a bk: The only bad thing is that...
mike101, For being such a quick read, the "Understanding Debt Settlements" section of the library had a bunch of useful info (although, in my...
Man, 1.6k is pretty good for MAIF. From what I remember (this was back around '89-'90) the policy didn't include a lot of things like towing,...
Companies like Gebco and Katz can find insurance for pretty much anybody, and can cost considerably less than MAIF, most of the time. If you live...
Christi, You mean that getting an advance from FCNB will preclude any limit increase from them, like forever, in perpetuity? Or just for that...
nj_newbie, Just out of curiosity, did you get any indication from them as to how long this would take? In the settlement letter they sent me,...
Re: Great Sniveling BKev Slithers A I'm truly sorry to hear that, Quixote. I know it's a cliche, but I hope everything'll turn out okay for...