Separate names with a comma.
Old trick works again. I would post the secret but this board is being watched. I am unemployed and intend on seeking employment soon. Maybe after...
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! bump :)
Re: Equifax inquires dissapearing!! dang I wanna know too Pretty please with 5 pounds of suger on top!!!!!!????
Bump! 49 views and not one opinion?
I am now working on my reports. Hubby is about done. I have a few questions. Checked all 3 reports and to be frank, I am kicking ass and taking...
Thanks for your help George. You always seem to be one of the only to respond. I like your answers they are short and sweet! :)
Does this hurt. I have 4 cards with lower limits all with 0 balances reporting NA for limit and amoint owed on EX
I have to credit cards with Citi, neither are reporting. I don't know if this is good or bad. Both are uner 50% and are 7 months old. Should I...
I can see my score but not my report. They can update all they want today...both scores are up!
Ender, Sorry I can't be of much help, but I did find a message board that has info on what you are looking for. I just scanned through it...
Here is 5th grade for you. I really do send one just like this to them. It works well. I do not look like I am doing credit repair. To...
How are youre scores? Maybe they wanted to check a little deeper?
Re: Experain-We do not have a fax # We are VERY big fans here. Missed 3 home games all year. One my husband was really sick, one we had no sitter...
Re: Experain-We do not have a fax # Me three...well Ann Arbor :) My sister and her husband live in Florida everytime he comes here he brings...
Thanks and happy b-day whychat!
Not much sorry. You may see a fee points, but unless ir is your last negative, there will not be much of a difference.
LOL Thanks Mark! The reason I picked this handle is kinda funny. I was ATTEMPTING to pick a screen name for AOL when I first signed on to the...
LOL. Yes George is right! Your blondness is showing...but hey I am a blond too!