Separate names with a comma.
<CHANGED> Sorry...nevermind, it is amazing what you find when you just look! :)
No, I do not think that you need to. Although I do not think that it would hurt anything it is obvious to me as it should be to them, you have...
Very good letter. No rambling, straight to the point. Good job!
You will have to dispute it the same way you dispute other information, This is useful because often times when a company reports a negative...
I am sorry, but that fact that you were even thinking this is mind blowing. As dirty as you all say they are being they do not have the mentaly...
This company HAS to be the worst in the business. I honestly do not know how they are still in business. I to recieved a bill from Jan in May....
Outside collection. Thier reason... they did not have a change of address for me (which I did give them when I called to disconnect). The woman...
I am about to have a heart attack I am so ticked off. We recently moved and I had never recieved a phone bill. I called Bell South to see why I...
When you move and put a change of address in at the post office, anyone can find you. And, if you ARE applying for credit, your new address is on...
Re: Citi CL increase w/out inquirie You would have much better luck posting this in a new thread, as this has nothing to do with Citibank.
MP- I am not sure what bottom of the barrel would be, but I just checked my EQ and after the INQ it was 669. I dont think that is that bad. There...
Thanks George, I did see that but I have had the card 7 months.
bump :0)
Ask for procedure info.
Not me AS SOON as I hit the credit increase tab in card member central I got the denial. So much for no inq for 6 months before my mortgage. That...
OK. That was not true. I just requested like you said and it said no because of a high cash usage? They said that they used Equifax. Great.....