Separate names with a comma.
Did this account get re-aged after you disputed it or was it always reporting this way...or just now reported? Thanks! L
Re: Court 7/9 9am, against OC and C Without prejudice means they can refile against wanted it to be dismissed *with* prejudice, Kiyi!...
Re: RE: Educational Loans The 650 range didn't get me approved for anything. Distinguished creditnetters suggested that 680 is closer to the...
Target usually tends to approve above 625 based on what I've read. They approved me at 640 I think...I can't score has bounced...
Re: CSC flat lied to me! Okay :) L
Re: CSC flat lied to me! Only if they are actively collecting under that name in that state. I don't believe that listing it on the credit...
Re: CSC flat lied to me! NanaC...they may not be bonded under their Palasides name, but they are likely bonded under one of their a/k/a's in your...
Thanks! <bump> L
Thanks Dave and, has anyone seen a cl under a thousand? Thanks! Laura
Try searching for it at as they have many, many companies listed with name, address and often telephone number and fax. You...
The first time I disputed it, I disputed online as never late. At the same time I had other disputes, and this account was somehow verified. I...
I faxed a dispute to them once and it did not appear they were acknowledging it, so I faxed them another one giving them the date of the first fax...
Has anyone ever received a credit limit of under $2,000 from Discover? What is their standard "starter" cl? Thanks! L
Hope you guys don't mind, but I'd like to keep bumping this. Its very important as I'm looking for others who have had this happen to testify (by...
I can give you the name of one of their paralegals and his phone number if ya Just don't tell him where you got it :) L
We had a discussion some time back where many people posted that Experian had re-aged an account after it had been disputed. If you have had...
This is a strange outfit...its a network of three independent organizations. Will take some digging. I'll try to find something tomorrow....
Okay...tell me again who you are wanting to sue? L
I don't believe they do have to validate...even under the FCRA. However, if they are reporting it incorrectly, they are liable under the FCRA....
Re: Frustrated - Trying to file sui You might have to do an affidavit of mailing. Not sure if they require that in small claims though. L