Separate names with a comma.
Experian CHOD results.... 4 items disputed...4 items verified....Checked Credit Expert today...I also disputed inquiries and the investigation...
Thanks Bailey!! Too bad I didn't save that #!!! :( Dang it!! Oh well I know for next time!!!
Do you need to buy a report to see the results online? Also, is there a way to check the status of transunion on line?
George...did you get my name, address and phone # out of the yellow pages? LOL too funny!!!
It's been verified....
FYI There's a great template on I used and had modest results with my first round of letters....then did a second with...
Thanx again Uniondiva....for the support and optimistic post :)))))
voicemail 2:56pm
Hello everyone, no I wasn't arrested and as it turns out everything (I think) will be fine, I was just asking the boards opinion to see if I...
superadman, Unless I am mistaken, this is an information board, and I really hope no one else has this happen but it is something that concerns...
I here you guys, and finding an attorney is on top of the list, but I just wanted to know what everyone thought....I just read the warrant again...
Also, as his sister, another concern, as tight as the airports are now adays(supposedly), if there is a warrant for his arrest in this, will they...
Sorry about the typo...I meant "employed" guys are harsh! Anyway the original creditor I believe was Citibank, it is now new century...
My brother received a letter from a judge today that issued a warrant for his arrest between 7:30am and 3:oopm, to appear for litigation and that...
Terry, I disputed with CRA, should the agencies/attorney stop collection efforts with me? I have no idea if he is a REAL attorney...LOL I...
An old dentist bill was in collection(not paid) with OSI collections...I have disputes pending with them, but I just got a letter from an attorney...
Anyone that knows, Is it better to get all my cards down below 50% or to pay in full one card at a time...score do they calculate...
Providian reported a new bank card....2 weeks ago and my score went down 22 points! Went from 584 to, for no known reason, it went...
Not that is any of my business, but for the last 2 months I've been here, Erica has been nothing but nice...PSUgirl, if she's following you around...