Separate names with a comma.
I was just starting during CHOD last year, lost a bunch of collections and some judgments.... i wish i would have disputed more negs. i did...
i will be doing mine by crrrr during the week of 11/25 because i want them opened by the first week of december!
try it is a great secured card.... sorry, I didn't see that you were trying to avoid banks , but you might call and see if the...
search the sample letters, there is one posted!
I doubt it. Even if they tried to take you to court, they would be responsible for responding to yur request for validation. You received no...
KOHL'S pulls TU only... i got approved with a 695 TU score with 4 negs
how much do they say you owe? yes, you want them to validate the debt completely. Send the letter certified , return receipt requested. there...
soup, glad to see you are back!
congratulations! I know she will be the joy of your life! Take care of Chloe and MsKbanger now!
well, I don't have that kind of money to burn. Plus i like the satisfaction of doing myself. Validation, disputing, repairing and rebuilding is...
yes, you can file in your own county small claims court... it doesn't matter where the company is located because the actions you are suing for...
Did you file complaint with the ag also? I filed a complaint with mn, ag. I don't think that much will come from it, but if we do enough, it...
did you get the trip ? why or why not.... this could be part of your damage claim
it probably is just a mistake, but I would follow up with a phone call first thing this morning and then confirm everything in writing and send it...
I advise you to give the ca the full 30 days on the first letter at least, on subsequent letters, two weeks mayb be adequate. you want to make...
Thanks a lot Sassy, It just p*$$$ me off, because my kids have to pay for everything, they do not even qualify for the 'free stuff" (thank...
try this letter i think this is the one you...
Don't sweat it.. they may not verify it all.... just try a simple cra dispute . over half my judgments were deleted this way!
My kids go to after school program at Boys and Girls club. It is time to renew their membership and I get the forms okay... it says the inclusion...
Re: I will post the 800# Another thing that I did when my teens wanted that expensive stuff was ask them how bad did they want it... did they...