Separate names with a comma.
Hi all! We had a GREAT trip to the Mailbox! We applied for the Chase Walmart Visa and got the we will let you know by mail crap. I thought for...
With a dispute letter you are disputing that is your debt. With a validation letter you are asking them to provide you proof that the debt...
The truth hurts? I am so sorry. Obviously you didn't want anyone to get your point out of three words.
Does your Mom love you? Better yet do you love her? You seem so angry all the time.
HEHE NOT trying to hijack this thread but I LOVE the name. FU TU
I am not an expert but I THINK as long as the mortgage and car payments are not in arrears you can keep them (not include them in BK)
Amalgamated Bank- what in the WORLD is that?
Let me guess...Providian? I had the same problem with a BS 350.00 card they sent. I had to call Providian and have them remove it. My score rose 7...
We did the back door double on Citi cards. I got the welcome letter to both on the same day, but with todays mail I only got the Silver. Maybe it...
Call his bluff...worse thing is that he actualy files, which I HIGHLY doubt, If not he is in clear violation of the law. Send C&D and validation...
Love- they are real good, and although it tells you that it can take up to two weeks it never has taken more then a day for me.
Why didnt you apply in JUST your name?
I have National City and I love them. As far as free checking, I feel you get what you pay for...nothing. I pay 5.00 a month for my checking and...
MI- They pulled EQ for hubby. 671 DENIED. 1 paid medical collection, no other negs.
Sorry. It is way to early for me. Sorry! I thought that s/he was addressing something that Ruby said.
Why would you ask US this if you worked there? Makes no sense to me....
You know what I think? You are going to kick some booty and make us proud. Go get em girl!
KHM- What all is involved. I have 2 things going now that I may want to pursue. The 1st being the collection man that was dumb enough to tell me...
briggen fastards...
Hubbys disputes went BEAUTIFUL with them. Everything was deleted. NOTHING again NOTHING I have disputed has come off. Everything is verified. This...