Separate names with a comma.
I've heard that inquiries have the most effect for the first six months. How long is it before that will stop being the primary reason for being...
Don't feel bad, George...I can't get ANY Citi card :( L
Still can't access mine and its been almost three weeks. Found out it might be the fraud alert (although I could view it for two weeks after I...
Bet they won't put that official policy in L
CreditWatch and Credit Expert give you your score as well as your credit report. Hope TU comes out with their version soons. I always get...
From what I saw, there wasn't any difference. The courtroom opened into another room where the lawyer heard cases and the back door between the...
I just checked the website where hubby sued: The Trial The case is heard by a judge, or, if all parties consent, by an arbitrator, who is a...
Ohhhh...that's right! When my husband sued a former landlord in small claims, he had the option of having his case heard by the judge or getting...
King, I've heard a some people say that an EIN is the way to go, but I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! First off, you have to...
Woohoooo! Congratulations! It is awesome hearing all of the success stories here. :) Enjoy your new home :) L
No, no,'m so! I meant joe and typed ng. Acccckkkkk! L
Hmmm...just like you *assumed* George was bragging? L
ng...I know its hard not to be jealous that others have better credit, but they have *earned* it and let me tell you...if I ever have the cards...
Wait a minute...if the judge may an error of law, why can't you appeal? Sounds to me like a case could be made that the judge erred. I'm...
Singledad, is it possible someone might have listed you as a creditor when they filed bk? But why would they even put that on a CR? Dunno but it...
If you aren't happy with the verdict...file an appeal. Don't know if its worth it to you though. L
The way I look at it...a very high percentage of what is reported on credit reports is inaccurate in some way. Either the dola is wrong, the type...
Several posts lately have made me wonder if it would be possible to negate the impact of closing more than two account within a six month time...
I had three hard inquiries on TransUnion over two days. They dropped my score by 15 points total. I had two inquiries on Experian over two...
Did an attorney file their answer for them? If so, I would call them and discuss settlement with them directly. Good luck to you! L