Separate names with a comma.
Try pulling TU again. They blocked me on Friday supposedly for seven days, but I tried last night and it let me pull one :) L
I just got this card about a month or so ago and it seems like I should have received the first statement by now. Am I being paranoid here? I'm...
Terrific news!!!! I had pulled my last one a week or so ago and just had to pull a new one at $12.95 last night. This service is now WELL worth...
TU's system is antiquated. They are still using the same format (and from the looks of it, the same dot matrix printers) as they were 15 years...
Way to go, Monij!!!!! That is incredibly good results! Chalk another one up for the creditnet :) L
Thanks, Dave! That's good to know. L
You know, I've seen that ID notation on my report as well...through Equifax. It was with Names Place, Inc. or something like that. Couldn't...
Experian has done this to me, but changed it right back when I included it in one of my disputes. Haven't had it happen with EQ or TU as...
I tried to pull my report on Friday and was told the account had been blocked for seven days. Just for the heck of it, I tried again tonight and...
I must have misread your previous post...sorry. :) I thought you were saying that they had to delete it from your credit report if you disputed...
Actually, the way I understood the opinion letters to read, they can report it in the 30 day period and if it is already reported, they don't have...
It will probably take some work, but they should delete it. Dispute it with the credit bureaus as "not mine" and also take it up with the...
Way to go, girl!!!!! That's pretty darn impressive. Lessee...I haven't gotten approved for anything since I got my Cap One platinum back on Feb....
No biggie, Teesha. Let me tell you what *I* Was worried sick about it that first night, but when I filed in federal court last month...
That's wonderful!!!! L
Thanks. wolverine! Great idea! :) L
Do a search for the state's Department of State website. Most of them have online complaint forms. L
5. On or about October16, 2001, Plaintiff requested a copy of her consumer report as prepared by Experian. At that time, Plaintiff noticed an...
Okay, I don't usually like doing this, but I'm moving the time-frame up and filing tomorrow, so I don't suppose it matters if I post it here. I...
Not unless it was for more than $150, L