Separate names with a comma.
Joy, if they send me something to prove the debt is mine I need to get it back to the original creditor
I will give you one bit of advice. I bought what I was told was a "dealer demo". This turned out to be a fleet car for a major car rental chain....
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste I want to add something here. I am AMAZED just today how much better the board is. I am actualy getting real...
Re: First Horizon Equity Lending??? I got the same thing and I called. The rate on there is NOT what you will get. Their excuse to me is that it...
Let me get this were ORDERED to pay this dog his money, you have tried to pay it to him and he will not accept it, and you went to...
Would it be possible to take the funds to the courthouse and explain that he will NOT accept the payment and ask that they give it to him? That is...
Anyone had to deal with these morons? If so, what was the outcome?
You said that you got a letter from their lawyer, but you did not say what it said. Can you tell us what it says?
Congrats! :)
Re: I Am Happy! Dont Laugh! Approve I am still smiling- four hours later!
Re: I Am Happy! Dont Laugh! Approve Thanks guys! If I never would have seen this board I would have NEVER gotten this card. I know some of you...
I am really excited! I got APPROVED for a card...OK so it is a Cap 1, 300 limit with a 49.00 deposit, but that is better then nothing! Anyone...
I know that this has been covered but I want to be sure. I am going to be disputing ONLINE. So does that still mean I want to start between the...
I was DENIED with a 629 with one small collection, 2 inquiries in 2 years and 1 30-day late mortgage payment.
I receive this message when trying to get my TU report. Online access to your TransUnion Personal Credit Report and Score is currently...
Re: Settlements and Restrictive End OKAY, This is probaly a stupid question but, I need to ask. Say I live in Michigan and the collection agency...
OKAY............THEN WHAT DO I DO????
BILL- I understood what you said. I told you what they sent me. They sent something with my name and address, date of service and amount due. I...
My daughter told me one today. She is 5, and usualy her jokes make no sence and are so stupid they make me laugh. This one was kinda cute though....
I sent this one. 10/28/2001 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to request a validation of a debt you say that I owe. For your...