Separate names with a comma.
yes, if they are collecting a debt they are subject to validation
I disputed my paid past due student loans and got the tradelines deleted. I have one remaining and was thinking of adapting the "nutcase" letter...
you dispute the debt with the cra, namely in your case, experian. You could choose to request validation from the collection agency so that they...
Love, I really appreciate all of your posts here. Creditnet folks are so real about what they are confronting and so willing to ackowledge...
if she will do anything for you, go in and have her writie the letter that you need (wait for it if necessary) and then it's over.
yep. do your biggest worst accounts first you will see biggest score bump from these!
so what my ethnicity, politics and neighborhood will be figured into credit scoring? there is no way to figure out this system and i guess...
everytime i pay my car payment at 21% interest or my house payment at 12% i have motivation, believe me. My plan is to build house by next year...
steps to take now: 1. send estoppel crrrr 2. dispute again with cra's (to generate violation) 3. get the hospital to put the deal...
Listen carefully to me, they still have to follow the law. if the collector pulls the account, the ca has no legal right to collect it,...
Roni, just be tasteful. I actually found the dentist i use now from a newspaper ad and just referred a coworker to him.
no, they very often cannot validate the debt completely therefore by law are not able to ding your credit report, however, this process may take a...
Christi, you better tell it all and soon ... for those of us in waiting :)
sal, she sent you copies of the promissary notes? are they stamped with master institute or could they be the original paid notes for itt.... call...
Roni, I am so happy for you..... Yes, your story has inspired me and I hope to achieve the same type of credit success you have. I look...