Separate names with a comma.
JCPenney will almost always verify. Send a validation letter to GE Card Services. They took over collecting on JCPenney cards and after a couple...
No, because if a lawsuit were filed, all of these items would be available under discovery and would be pertinent to the case. I think the...
Right where I am today...filing suit against the L
I wouldn't send nutcase to Gulf State. They would toss it or ignore it (seems regular correspondence absent an actual threat of litigation never...
Best I can do. I could enlarge it some if you are having trouble reading it, but that's about it. Let me know if you want that. L
Duh! It finally clicked!!! I was reading some information provided by Innovis and realized that the law does NOT require information to be...
I didn't want to bring the other thread up again, but several people have asked to see what a UDF looks like. It is posted at...
Sorry about disappearing like that. I got booted and couldn't get back in. L
Send them two validation letters and if you get no response (which is highly likely), fax an intent to sue letter or a complaint you intend to...
If someone were to fill out a UDF and then send it to the creditor/ca along with the letter of validation saying please provide proper validaton...
OMG...I shudder at the thought!!!! I don't think biblical discussions or politics belong in a forum like this or any public forum not dedicated...
FYI..I now have a copy of a UDF. This is not something you can fake, so those of you with that tiny devil on your shoulder shake it off
Re: failed "Goodwill" attempt...nex I think what the lady is referring to is reporting inaccurate information. In the sense that if you were...
I'll just chime in with my worthless two I've been online since 1989 (and before,back when you had to telnet into a local
KHM, didn't I just send you the Complaint against the CA I will be filing against this week? I might have sent you a letter I was sending to...
I was reading a case the other day where the judge ruled the restrictive endorsement was not accord because the parties had not reached a meeting...
I don't think it is unreasonable for a company extending credit to ask for someone's income. Maybe I'm two fries short of a happy meal, but if...
Let us know what prison you end up in so we can send you care packages. Really, really bad idea. L
KHM....I've recently read case law that supports the contention that each new report pulled begins a new SOL, so it is difficult to time bar...
Really, Why Chat? Please do tell! Do you mean there is a chance my dispute to the fraud recovery division of Cross Country Bank may meet with...