Separate names with a comma.
KHM...relax...the worst that can happen is the case is dismissed. They won't bite It is nerve wracking though. It looks like I will...
Are you serious??? It never occurred to me to check if the report numbers were Better go pay for one to make sure they haven't...
That's husband's score didn't go up any on EQ when we disputed three accounts listed there and they are showing they are being...
Wow! That's really impressive, Ed! Way to go! L
Congratulations, FU-TU. I can only imagine what your nick stands L
There seems to be several locations, but I think this is your CA. Capital Recovery Service Inc. General Information Street Address:...
Thanks, LKH. I have one on EQ that is just at the six month point. I just started going around with them again on reinvestigating different...
LOL...send them a copy of your birth certificate and tell them to verify this! L
Good for you, Brenda! I'll take my whole family to see it! (Just no nudity or violent content...I have a little L
Someone mentioned they had disputed an account as expired or obsolete when the dol was within six months of expiring and got a deletion. I did a...
Have fun, Kit and take care...those slopes are L <--who has never skied a day in her life!
The Trustee's job is to look out for the creditors. If there are any assets, he distributes them. I don't know how far he goes in investigating...
Re: got my mbna platinum plus today LMBO, George...Platinum can go as low as $325. Just ask Capital L
I, for one, did not know how the CRAs went about verifying information. TransUnion apparently uses Consumer Dispute Verification ("CDV") forms....
I wasn't sure if it was a sound I guess we could get someone to organize it if enough people (or I guess even if only a few people)...
I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but thought I would throw it out there since it popped into my head this morning. I know alot of...
My hubby just got Target Visa with a 666 score on EQ. He is 4 years post bk. I got the "requires further process" and I don't have a bk showing...
Well, lbrown...that's the law. It might not be perfect, but its a heck of a lot better than back in the days of the Star Chamber. You don't like...
I loved Experian too until this last bought with them. These last two are like pulling teeth. They are by far, though, the easiest to deal with...
How long did it take you to receive? They said mine went out bulk last Friday and it still isn't here :( Should have asked them to fax me a...