Separate names with a comma.
Look in the letter forum under validation or do a search under " lizardking validation letter".
I have sent up two four items on each letter, but I wouldn't advise doing more than that. Also, my experience on this board is that people tend...
FICO is so unprecise, it hard to say what the score increase will be. I would work on disputing the worst thing first and of course, any late...
if you go to the sample letters in the letters forum, they are all labeled. ex (dispute letter). Of course, you need to edit and make them your...
i have disputed the accounts at the same time because it was easier to monitor but we have totally different credit files and I have seen no...
go to the letters forum. Use a sample letter to dispute a debt. use as the reason..'not mine"
they cannot put anything on your credit that was taken off. Only the ca or orignal creditor can, and by law they have to notify you within 5...
This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy>>>. You have caught them bold faced lying and then they try to cover it up. She should have just...
congratulations..... what a way to start the new year.....please feel free to visit your friends in the old "500 club" neighborhood...... :)
what letter? I wanna see :) I need help getting out the 500 club ....please?
You should probably get the most recent copies of your husbands credit report. It will be better to work from a more recent copy and to compare...
do not call, do all your correspondence in writing. When you sent the validation letter, did you also dispute with the cra..... it is not clear...
George, someone posted that the computers are down today.
Mike, I know what you mean. I had surgery last febuary and recently received a bill for 1000.00. The pre authorization stated my out of...
Congratulations..... way to go..... now which cards will you be applying for :0) LOL
lbbrown, this is a judgement, not a ca. I paid it because I had no other choice, they had sent me a garnishment notice. So...... can you...
Re: Was scared, but I got it Congratulations Love....... with a name like that you should have plenty of diamonds in your future.
Dispute as "not Mine". Online or via mail, your preference. I have a collection with RMA right now and I will not pay unless they delete.
I would try to challenge it though the cra's as disputing them as duplicate accounts. Write the letter and say that your investigation of these...
I am praying for a safe, happy and prosperous New Year for all of us.