Separate names with a comma.
I'm looking at a 2000 Ford Ranger XLT w/36K miles. No down payment. MOST lenders in my area pull either TU (most) or EQU(some). What type of...
GT- Mine updated yesterday at about 5pm EST, I don't know if it's the reuglar time.
AWESOME!!!!! Do you know what it did to your score yet?
Christi- They did the same thing to me (hubbys acct) His was just about to get charged off (120 days past due) so I called and offered them half...
Re: AVOIDING COURT Don't they have to attempt to resell the vehicle? If they just wrote it off, without ever trying to sell I think that may be a... old were they?
This is all I could find! § 607. Compliance procedures [15 U.S.C. § 1681e] (b) Accuracy of report. Whenever a consumer reporting...
Not sure which part you need so here it is: § 605. Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports [15 U.S.C. § 1681c]...
Love EXCELLENT QUESTION! Not to steal your post, but I have a quick question! :) I have an overdraft of $500 that linked up to my checking...
See if you can combine the Providian and the Getsmart, I don't know if you can cause I have 2 getsmart cards and they won't let me combine, but...
MORE GOOD NEWS!!! My BT went through BEFORE the CC closing date on my providian. So now my 40% available should go up around the 23rd. Also I am...
Dino- I am SO SO SO SO Sorry, I thought you had said Experian, but I just re-read and it said equifax. Unfortunately there is no way to dispute...
Dino- No you can do it online! Sign onto CE, got to the report, click on "requests for your credit history" then click on the creditor and up top...
I think that's it! Every month we dispute a CA that is already paid and he incurred the CA at his old address, BUT we paid it from our address now.
On hubby's TU report, there is an address that he lived at a while ago (7 or 8 years). I dispute with TU, they take it off, couple of weeks later,...
Dispute those inquiries (except for the one that gave you theloan) the daler probably "shopped around" looking for the best loan deal.
ohnostuck- I shouldn't matter all you are doing is getting a card in your name. They won't ask for a SSN#. It doesn't make YOU responsible for...
Nope, they don't even ask for a SSN# for the "additional card" AKA "AU". Trust me, I just got my CitiAA card and I put hubby down too (515 TU...
I only give the acct#, If you put the "witness this day" then that means it's notarized, with your sig. I would skip that part.
Diva- I saw that right after I posted! CONGRATS!