Separate names with a comma.
Ok let me see if I get this.... They can choose not to accept it, but by law I am allowed to request validation. They dont accept it, I dont get...
On Dec 6th I sent CRRR to a CA for hubby, no green card back from the company yet. On Dec 13th sent out a CRRR for the SAME CA regarding an...
If they green card was signed before the date they called then I believe they are in violation of the FDCPA. So if they signed it say 12/24 and...
I had a similar problem with my hubbys report. There were 2 collection agencies reporting the same debt, yet it had been paid. One reported a...
FYI for anyone interested in Citibank who isn't sure which bureau they pull from. The rep told me that they pull from the credit bureau closest to...
I told them that enough? I make 32K and they said it wasn't enough for mine alone. KHM
I got my "denial letter" from Citibank today (they pulled TU). It had a number to call, cause I was denied due to income. I called them and asked...
Are you sure? My credit cards all informed me that if I make a payment before the statement ends (not beforethe due date) that I am just paying...
If you can pay it online you should just do that! Or thru your bank online. KHM
That when you dispute via CE, that when the results come out to what you want them to be (removal of inquiries, lates, etc.) that you get the...
Call a couple of your credit card companies and ask them when they update with the credit bureaus. Its usually a few days after they send your...
I tried to do that once to get out of some stupid magazine EFT, the bank informed me that it can't be done. It is against the law to knowingly...
Has anybody else done their part on I am curious as to how many of us it will take to get something going. I am also curious if...
Marie- I have another question for you, it pertains to a CA. I started paying them for a bunch of debts (hospital bills for hubby). These were...
Listen kiddo wisdom comes with age, not a college degree. I too graduated from college it doesn't make me any better than anyone else.
TU just did the same to me told me to put SSN# on it and ITS ON THERE RIGHT NEXT TO MY NAME! I'm getting a creepy feeling this board is STILL...
Ok I am going to that site and put in my complaint, it will look something like this. I am interested in learning how to go about filing a...
I called the FTC and they told me TU has violated section 616 and 617. They told me to contact an attorney, but I would rather go through small...
I THINK, and I stress think, that if you were requesting VALIDATION, like a contract with a signature from you on it and they didn't, I would...
I would definately ask for procedures on this one! I would send copies of the returned CRRR saying the are out of business. How can they verify...