Separate names with a comma.
As soon as you get the letter call TU and tell them you have a letter from Ford and you NEED this deleted immediately, also tell them it has been...
This is why I LOVE this board. You took something, that the Stock Market Channel (the name escapes me right now), makes so difficult to...
Drmgrl- I have a question. Did you happen to notice whether or not this CA was pulling your credit report? If they did (especially EQU) I would...
Oh come on, just when I thought I was done (for now) dealing with the CRA's now I have to tell them what to report? Do I have to call them and...
Try to PFB them asking them for an increase and a grace period. I had them same problem and my wish was granted. They should do it as long as you...
Are they like Cap One though? They have $0 balance and Credit Limit N/A, is that because it's so new? It hasn't affected my CE yet, but that still...
Oh for crying out freaking loud!! Now it is fixed but instead of being reported closed (it has been for 6 years) it says open limit $900. Whoa!...
Couple of months back I had a C/O, I got a letter from creditor saying delete. TU came right off, EQU took a little nudging but EXP was a pain in...
Mike- I don't know. I THOUGHT I got it back, but now I can't find it (although I'm at work and didn't really spend a whole lot of time looking...
Hermit, With the CRA's *I* don't expect It's the general concensus that a "mixture" of cards, helps the scores. Although now that...
Can you afford $500 a month ($125 a week), it would take you 20 months to pay it off, I would try to negotiate a payment that is reasonable to you...
offer to make payments, how much is the judgment for? I don't see any reason to max out your cards, cause then you'll be paying interest on it....
Is the AmEx LOC hard to get, I got denied for an AmeX card a month ago, with score roughly the same as they are now, they pulled TU for me. Is it...
I think you may have to say your father fraudulently opened the account in your name as well as his. I don't know, legally, what the repercussions...
I would assume so, seeing as it can only be used at a specific store.
Re: Citi Bank .....A little heads u Tu here too! Citi told me it's based on which ever report is CLOSEST to your address. KHM
What if you got a letter from your father saying this account was not joint? I would try this way first, to see if your father will take the full...
Did you get that C/O off of hubbys report?
I've been told yes!
I THOUGHT I sent a validation letter to a CA trying to collect on hubby within the 30 days, but now I'm not sure. I THOUGHT I got the CRRR back...