Separate names with a comma.
I would certainly think that the low 20's is better then nothing!
Wow you all are being soooo helpful..LOL :)
The thing is I have 5 account that are falling on 6 months old this month. Some have balances some dont. Total credit limit on all cards apx 15000...
Has anyone noticed a jump after a certain period?
I am wondering how long a "newer account" (credit card) hurts as far as scoring goes?
Well I do know that he rents (or rented trailers) in is local mobile home parks. This is one of the one things that he has shared with us. The...
Thats ok. I had these questions too. Here is how it works. 1. You choose your own homeowners insurance company. 2. You pay to get the...
You choose the company and you make the first years payment to them. Then it is taken out of your escrow, and they pay it for you as it becomes...
It all goes to your mortgage company into what is called an Escrow. You could choose to pay them at different times but I would advise against it....
I really am not being mean here seriously. Although I agree he is hostile. The mystery that remains is WHY. Don't tell me for a minute that he...
Wow you are new to the board!!!! You think that WE are hostile? I am really just really curious to what his score is. For someone that HATES Fico...
Me too. I asked again just the other day.
Most prime rate mortgage rates require 680 for middle score. You JUST made it. Congrats!
Nice to see that I am 80 and haven't got squat done for myself, hey everyone else's credit I know is looking good.
They did send her the payment info, however she made payments by such and such time on certain days to avoid negative reporting via quick collect....
It works like F.I.C.O. :( It is like sweepstakes entries. Many will enter, few will win (get in). OK OK I sound like LB....Speaking of LB what...
That is what I mean, I am afraid that she is going to send them the reports and they are going to see that the 2 that really were late are not...
Come on now....anyone?
Here is the letter that my friend got in response to the email she wrote to her mortgage company regarding late payments. What should be her next...