Separate names with a comma.
they don't have to report it pays as agrees but it certianly cannot be late if it has a ) balance. I would ask eq to verify procedures used to...
30 inquiries... are these hard??? what were you applying for.... that seems excessive to me
you won't get paid as agreed .... you will get settled more than likely... send him a letter via planet feedback.... send the collection agency a...
hey, mr.cooke hooked me up! raised my cl and unsecured my account......working on dh's charge offs. he is way cool!!!!
Very Upset, If you do indeed work in the financial services field, perhaps you could help everyone by informing your colleagues of the fcra and...
if he does not have a current account with them, then they have no permissable purpose, or did not recently apply for insurance with them, they...
I will help out a fellow hoosier if needed. my email is on
radiohead, why did you go there? you were doing so good on you own? P.S. I was wondering where you were !
call the cccs place and get copies of the documentation from them! threaten to sue their a$$ if they don't facx a letter to the atty and whoever...
oops, sorry, i jsut read your post over and these accounts are with the original creditor... i would send the validation requests, but oc do not...
send another request for validation ( look in sample letters sections). make sure you notate that they failed to respond to your initial request...
yes, that is it... this way, they don't have time to prep for exact violations..... they have to figure out where they violated without your help!
if you have actual violations for fcra or fdcpa, then why not lawsuits...... did you send estopple letters or did you stop after initial validtion...
hey, please read the faq's. it will give you valuable advice, including how to access your credit reports from the big three. there is no way...
is this student loan a paid chargeoff, have you tried validation already? I really doubt that they would remove so many lates.... did you...
you can and should use the letters posted here as templates for your own disputes, meaning you should not copy word for word but modify to fit...
maybe i am missing something. why do you have to fly to nc for small claims suit... why didn't you just sue them in your small claims jurisdiction?
mmm, grilled steak and lobster at Dave's. use that home depot card to buy a new barbecue grill :) congratulations on the new house.
same thing happened to me when i got denied for my kohls card. did planet feedback and got approved via email.. got my card yesterday :)
yes, I did !