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My wife and I have been dealing with getting a new mortgage for a couple months. We have had our CRs pulled by the lenders, and whenever they...
Does a current creditor (credit card company) have the right to do a hard inquiry in order to review your account? I just had two creditors do...
I understand you have a couple lawsuits filed or served against companies, so maybe you have some helpful info for me. I am wanting to file...
Ok, here's the deal. I have an entry on all 3 reports that state a 90 day late. I have requested validation through the CRAs and the OC listed....
If you have one payment that is 90 days late, does it become 30 and 60 lates as well and factored into the credit scores as 3 seperate lates?
I'm having to deal with a CA on my wife's credit report and needing some info on those that have dealt with removing CA entries. Does an...
Let's say you take a CA or creditor to court for violations of the FDCPA and FCRA and you lose. Will you most likely have to pay their attorney...
My wife and I had an interesting entry on her credit report when our lender did a tri-merge pull. On her Ford Credit, it showed a 30 day late and...
I've made substantial progress since starting my "credit recovery" 7 months ago. However, I have a problem 90 day mortgage late on my EX and TU...
All of a sudden, I'm a year and 10 months older? Has anyone had their DOB on Equifax change all of a sudden?
An interesting thing about Innovis... I called that 8885optout number and at the end, it states something like, "...all 4 credit reporting...
First, I want to say that I've lurked this board since August and I started my credit report quest in September. I read a lot of info here and I...
I saw this post on another board and was wondering if there's any truth to it. Seems to me that it's not true, not only based on my experience,...
Does anyone know how often the credit reporting agencies update an individual's credit report once they receive an update from a creditor? I...
Hey everyone. First post here. I've been reading this board for a couple months now and it's been a plethora of info. I had a collection...