Separate names with a comma.
Whoo is offering the best price on a tri-merge that includes all 3 scores? Time to get back on this crazy train.
If an account is verified by the CRA, (and still reporting incorrectly), Am I entitled to request proof of the source of the verification from the...
Hi all. This is one of the last things on mine and my wifes credit report. Reads as follows: date/method opened hi cr...
Greetings. I've been searching the posts for awhile now trying to find some decent information about the different credit monitoring services....
I have about 6 letters for each credit bureau. Can I put all 6 in one envelope and mail 3 CCCR letters or should I be sending 18 seperate CCCR...
Hi all been gone for awhile but now I'm back. After following the great advice here, I finally qualified for a mortgage and we are now living...
Hi all. Quick question. Recently bought a new house. Kept my old house as a rental. My total income has not changed by much, only went up a...
Hi all. Just wanted to relay a story to all of you. Recently my wife and family took a trip to NY. Two days earlier, we paid off our First...
I have a few outstanding hospital and medical bills that have been turned over to local collectors. Nothing over about $350. Some are even a few...
Ok guys tell me what you think. I just got off the phone with Mr. Cooke at Cap One. I have an outstanding charge off with them that now...
Okay, once and for all... Are there any services out there that will let you routinely check all three scores at once? Maybe for some monthly...
Hi all. Got a question. Here is my problem. After no response from Cap 1 following a validation letter, an estoppel letter , and a final...
Well I send out my CHOD letters on the 7th. I sent them CRR. I have not received even 1 green card yet. Is this a normal time frame (considering...
Greetings. This is basically a question for LizardKing. I was looking for a letter you mentioned in another thread. Do you have a copy of...
Hi all. Recently (within the last 2 months) my wife was approved for the First Premier Centennial card. She received the card with a $400 limit...
Hi all. I've been a lurker for a couple of weeks now and am enjoying the great amount of information here. I do have a question that maybe...