Separate names with a comma.
Why do Collection agencies get to pull credit reports? They aren't giving lines of credit or providing insurance. This just doesn't seem right.
thanks guys!
How do you respond to KD's placed on an Experian report?
What do you do when you send a Validation letter to a CA and they respond asking for proof of identification like SS#?
Who offers a subscription for credit reports that will give you a new report daily or every time requested? I tried creditkeepers and they...
mycreditkeeper is a divison of HSBC, which also is the corporation of Housdehold Bank. Can we really trust this service?
I need help in geting info to sue the big three in Houston. I was told I need to sue in their district. I need the corp. agent in the Houston area...
I need your advice. E-mail me when you get a chance.
I live in Houston and I want to sue the big three bureaus for my violations. I need to know how and where to serve the agents of the big three....
to make it short and sweet they reinserted information without notifying me in writing. I also believe they are not verifying my accounts. I...
yes, please do. I want ot file on all three bureaus. Thanks a million!
I have run into a simular issue. I want to file in houston on these characters. The clerk told me I need to file in a precinct where the company...
Would it be ok if i tried your Eq trick? If so e-mail me the steps. This way it doesn't get shutdown as fast. Thanks!
I discovered fcnb placed a charge-off on my TU. Now I have a charge-off & a new account called Midland Collections for the same balance. Can...
Where can I find intent to sue letters?
I called CSC and asked that they reinvestigate an account that was previously investigated in August. I was told it would not be investigated...
I'm having hell with a so called "fresh start." I was talked into a Ch 7 a couple of years ago by a lawyer in Houston. Since then I have accounts...
Ok LKH! Looks like you have another good one. I'm ready to test. Where can I find the info?
I'm very interested in your method. I'm even desparate to get mine corrected. please post or e-mail it to me if you don't want ca's to know....
Thanks flush. I was just dreaming yesterday of how wonderful it could be. I happen to view the source on the one of the pages and got anxious.