For starter, most people here did not get into financial trouble due judgment errors. Most have had real life crisis that caused the problems. Obviously that is something you are not aware of. Since we aren't what you had hoped we would be, why don't you pack up and go back to where you came from. Of your 29 posts in 13 days, at least half have had some sort of rude comment or name calling included. You are not the type of person who is going to get any answers to your questions due to your attitude. Just exactly why is it you did come here? Was it to cause trouble like a troll would do? Or, do you have financial problems that need help getting resolved? If it is the latter, I suggest you change your attitude. You get better results being nice and a "true" contributor, than being a jerk.
Other than one MAZDA and one TOYOTA and one PORSCHE and one FORD...MY WHOLE FAMILY HAS BOUGHT GM...ABOUT 15-20 OF THEM...
I'll agree with JB about 1 thing. Zero percent is not free money if the underlying asset drops 40% in price in 2 years. Free money is zero percent interest and the asset appreciates in value.
Well, I just want to say congrats on your 0% car loan. I got approved from e-loan at like 15.95% for like 6 years i think it is. so you better believe if gm offered me 0% for 1 month to 99 months i would take it. And no I am not a big GM fan but at 0% interest I could learn to like em. Well once again comgrants on your loan. P.S. I love camp fires....Can't wait to hear some more scary fico stories.
and fyi on my loan...i am not going to use it i will wait until i can qualify for something with a little lower rate before i get a new car.
If you are going to buy the car anyway, then the longer you can stretch out 0% financing the better. In this case, it pays off even more, since cars depreciate the most in the first two years of ownership. It's fairly straightforward common sense. If I could get a 10 year 0% deal on a car I was going to buy, I'd do it in a second. Johnny is confusing the utility of the loan with the value of the underlying asset, which is to miss the point entirely. If all he was doing was attacking the purchase of a new car, then his argument would make sense, but attacking the purchase of a new car because of a 0% financing deal is ignorant, to borrow Johnny's own posting style for a moment. Once the decision to buy is made, 0% financing is free money.
100,000+ MILES IS BAD??? OUR NEWEST CAR 150,000+ OLDEST CAR 250,000+ If you don't get 100,000+ WHY BUY THE CAR???
1. Bully for you! 2. Some people need to do so to fit their budgets. Some people buy cars which depreciate to a lesser degree so they won't be upsided down. 0% means more principal gets paid in the early years, reducing the "upside down factor". 0% APR x 4 years = 0% APR x 5 years. 3. I've never seen 0% financing offered on used cars.
How do you know everyone's credit problems were caused by past errors in judgement? Simple, you don't know so you assume. You know nothing about what an individual's history is, so you shouldn't judge or spout off that somebody is just building there credit so they can go out and get into trouble again. Who the hell are you to judge? Gib
It's too bad that people don't tolerate opposing points of view any more. My original post, while perhaps negative, was not at all sarcastic. I merely stated my opinion, even if it did differ from your own. It only turned sarcastic when others began to flame this conversation with their own overly defensive and knee-jerk smart-ass remarks. It seems many of you can dish it out but you can't take it. And if you think I'm the one that started this, why not go back to the beginning of this thread and read it again. I agree that some people need to do loans like this to fit their budgets. I know that many people would rather purchase a new car over a used car. And no, you can't get 0% financing on used cars. But those were never the crux of my statement(s). But don't hate me because I disagree with you. Instead, use your gray matter to explain what is wrong with my point of view. So far, few have done that. Now, let's stick to the point of this discussion, can we? An interest free loan is NOT free money. If you think so, I would urge you to read The Wall Street Journal articles published over the past several months since GM first offered this deal (and then other auto manufacturers followed suit). It is not free money because (1) you are not getting nearly as much $$$ for your trade in, (2) because the price of the new car has increased and the price of used cars have decreased A LOT since 0% financing was first offered, your new automobile is depreciating much, much faster the instant you drive it off of the lot, and (3) GM has increased the sticker price of their automobiles because of the lost revenue they used to make off of financing a vehicle. These are very basic facts; not something I dreamt up in my head just to piss a bunch of you off. Now, if you don't like me pissing on your parade, that's fine...just say so, but then admit that I have some merit to my opinion. And if you disagree with my opinion, tell me where my argument is weak. But if you think I have some evil intent to make that warm fuzzy feeling of getting out of credit hell and being able to get a new car go away, you're wrong. The facts contained herein, supported by lots of print in recent weeks and months in the national media, stand on their own. Message boards like these aren't truly useful when everyone is holding hands and telling each other how awesome they are. They work best when there are differing opinions. That doesn't mean to say that I think I'm write all of the time or even a majority of the time. IT'S MY OPINION, PEOPLE. And no, I'm not going away. If everyone thinks like the 80% of the people who ripped me today on this issue, then you need me much more than I need you. Johnny Blood
Johnny, Are you greg fisher? Nevermind. . . Believe it or not, i'm pretty sure everyone who has "ripped" on you has been reading your threads since you first joined. I for one, just now decided to respond to your ATTITUDE and TONE, not the content of what you said. I have read everyone of your post since you first joined. And in my OPINION, your tone SUCKS. Like i said before, you can express your opinion without being belligerent OR you may find it difficult to reply to the board at all. IF responding to a thread and expressing your opinion in a normal, non-a$$hole-like way is TOO difficult for you, than you have many more problems that need to be addressed elsewhere, BEFORE you post questions here and people take time out of their day to respond to one of your questions. TONE IT DOWN OR LEAVE!!!! humblemarc
Tell me what is wrong with the following tone, please: 1.) I would never by a GM product. 2.) I would never do a car loan > 4 years. 3.) In today's market with all of these 0% finance offers and considering the glut of used cars at the auto dealerships, I wouldn't buy a new car. How should I tone that down? Did I rip the person? Did I make it personal? I don't think so. Virtually every personal response to that post was much more saracastic than that one. And if this is a FICO sorority, so be it...I didn't mean to intrude. This hyper sensitivity from everyone, however, is a tad bit monotonous. Frankly, it reminds me of the proverbial mother who enables her child all through adulthood, which benefits no one. But alas, if you'd prefer the dull, fragile, benevolent, politically correct tone (which automatically necessitates multiple use of exclamation marks and posts devoid of any substance), I'll be glad to oblige. But be aware, that it is my further opinion that you're not doing anyone any favors in the process and you're merely dumbing down the discussion on this message board. That said, try this on for size: Greetings Tix, Thousands of carmel-filled kudos to you!!!! I'm grinning from ear-to-ear with enthusiasm after learning you secured 0% financing for your brand new automobile!!!! That is SOOOOO awesome!!!! Just when you thought every big company in America was trying to stick it to the consumer, along comes GM and offers FREE MONEY!!!! I wonder how GM does it. Oh, who cares...after all, you don't have to worry about it for 60 months!!!! Did they add the remaining balance of your trade-in to the balance owed on the note? How much did you get for your trade-in? I hope it was a lot!!!! Well, take care!!!! GM makes a WONDERFUL vehicle, I'm sure you'll be happy. Oh, by the way, I apologize if my prior comments seemed a bit negative. I don't know what came over me!!!! I didn't mean for my opinion to differ from anyone else's. What was I thinking? I will be sure to goose step along with everyone else in the Conga line here at next time!!!! Love & Kisses, Johnny Blood P.S. If you ever want to use me as a reference on a similar loan in the future, please do not hesitate to let me know!!!! Yup...that tone accomplishes SO much more. J.B.
What kills me is that you obviously got into a bad place credit wise and then with some hard work you got out...only to immediately go get some credit to buy an expensive Infiniti that depreciates the instant you drive it off the lot. Your logic here has me confused. Johnny Blood ------------------------------------------------------------ Bunter (a.k.a. "deadbeat"), it is obvious to me that you are low live scum. You are testament to what is wrong with this country; skirking responsibility and not paying for your irresponsible actions and the so-called debt that you have created, not only for yourself but several other companies and the general public, who end up eating your debt if you do not pay it. People like you make me sick and they give the ones with poor credit and debt problems who honestly mean to fulfill their committments a bad name. I hope some day there is a company (or law enforcement agency) that becomes privvy to your juvnile irresponsible practices and puts you behind bars for fraud. Grow up and get a life. Johnny Blood ------------------------------------------------------------ ok Johnny, you're right. everyone else is wrong. Now can you just go away, so we can practice enabling and deceiving each other, singing Kumbaya, and shirking our responsibilites. Just don't be upset when you want some info. on where to get your reports "for as cheaply as possible." and nobody responds. As i said before, i'm sure that attitude has gotten you far in the cellular industry, but around here. . .not so much. Have a nice life. humblemarc
In summary: what's right for you is not right for everyone else. When you act like your way is the best way for everyone, the only one who appears unintelligent is you. The pros and cons of new car vs. used car and various loan terms could be argued all day, but in the end, one should find the best deal for them when and where they make the deal. Applying blanket policy to this plethora of variables is short-sighted, at best. If you have an opinion, please remember that "pearls of wisdom" look like rabbit turds if they're colored wrong. -ingenue
It's obvious that you have a problem with my facts but are incapable of countering them with any real knowledge of your own. It's much more important to you that you hand the liquor bottle back to the drunk and ask them to just drink less this time than it is to discuss openly one's opinion, that's why you snip other posts out of their proper context and post them from a guy who just got of credit hell to buy a very expensive car and another guy who said he was PROUD to be a deadbeat. Was there anything wrong with my original post here? I don't think so...that's why you strayed off topic. Keep up the good work, gents...but you're not doing anyone any favors (including yourself). Johnny Blood
like i said, you're right, we're all wrong. didn't you read my post. Can we please go back to our drinking. stop talking to us about alcoholism. . . we are alcoholics. If you understand that concept, than you realize the only advice we will take is NONE. We will stop drinking when we're good and ready. Have fun in your sober life, we are perfectly happy in our creditnet stupor. humblemarc p.s hey buddy, can you spare a dime?
Hey everyone, this guy is obviously a troll, or just hasn't learned basic personal skills. Make sure you alert PBM! If he decides to sign up under a different name, maybe next time, he'll learn to be a little less OPINIONATED and a little more helpful. humblemarc