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1 Hour left...........

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by thetravele, Mar 19, 2003.

  1. islandboy

    islandboy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........


    Where is there understanding and forgiveness for you that others like Saddam get from all these anti-American protestors. These people spend all their time telling us that we should give murders and thugs a pass, but you, who may have used an inappropriate quote, must be censored and be labeled a racist biggot. They still call Saddam the President of Iraq and refuse to call him the muderous dictator that he has proven himself to be.

    These anti-American activists are just a bunch of spoiled kids who think that you achieve peace by talking about it. You can talk about for so long but in the end the ignorance of the other side always gives in and you have to use force.

    As it was said in an earlier post in the 90's there were no protests like we see today concerning Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti and Iraq. This a clear indication that to these protestors it is in deed POLITICAL! If it was a DEM heading this action in Iraq there would be no protests. This is proof that these protest groups are in fact hopeful the Democratic will assist them in there ulitimate to goal to make the USA a communist/socialist state.

    How do I come do this "absurd" conclusion? The group responsble for the mass protests is ANSWER. This organization is funded and spearheaded by admitted communists and socialists. Obviously they are supporters of FREEDOM and LIBERTY, so they do not support this President and this effort.

    Those who do not support this war somehow believe that the US does more harm then good in the world.

    Those of us who do support the FREEDOM EFFORT in Iraq strongly believe the US does great good througout the world no matter what President is in office.
  2. t_sims224

    t_sims224 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    Ok I see you 3 guys have had fun while I was gone over the weekend you know as they say when the cat is away the mice will play. Pretty interesting how you 3 guys stand on this mess about this war is right. I guess it is kind of like the balance between the WHOLE WORLD being opposed to it and the US and UK not. That is a very bad balance in the number. But I am sure simple math is below you guys, but I would expect that from a bunch of followers so to say the least I am not surprised. Ok with that said on to laying down all the crap that you have spit over the weekend.
    You say this is a war on terror. Well were are the terrorist, your own government said it was Bin LAden so why not go after him. After from what they spoon feed us he is the man that caused all this 911 damage. But yet we are in Iraq killing people and having our people killed. You spoke on the civil war and you think that had something to do with freeing slaves. Well that tell's me you can't read, because if you knew better you would know Lincoln freed the slaves only and I repeat only to fight in the war. And yes I said this country that was stolen from the Indians, I say that because it was. You asked if I thought the settlers should have sailed to were they came from. Well let me ask you this I am going to come settle in you home. Would you allow me to do that. Hell no that is not fair so in all fairness they should have sailed back. You know taking what is not yours is called stealing. But maybe your peanut brain does not compute that. As for were we would be today who knows but I know a history built on slavery and taken peoples land is just wrong, I don't care who you are that is just plain wrong. As for me reaping the benefits well I kinda had no choice in my birth and were I was born, it is here now so I deal with it as I should since it was my ancestors and so many others that were captured and forced to build the country up.
    Butch you run taking about all these UN resolutions and all this. Well I tell you what why don't you look into the countries that have violated the most UN resolutions top of the list you have Israel then the US. If you don't believe me and I don't expect you to please go look it up. You also clown the Anti-War demonstrators and say ha-ha 48 people. That right there tell me you don't know crap but what you see on CNN and NBC. If you follow media point that are run my major corps and goverment heads you will only see what they want you to see. How about you turn on CSPAN so you can get an unbiased picture. CSPAN is showing news from many different countries and if you saw that you would see that no one is in agreeance, you would see the 300,000 plus people in Canada the 500,000 plus in Cairo the thousands right here also the people in France, England and even in India. But you know I don't expect you to be intelligent enough to even pay attention to what goes on around the world, because hey you are an American so you think you are always right. You also spoke on Peter Jennings's let me remind you this is the same guy that said we will own Iraq in a matter of days. The comment sounds very colonialist to me. You guys want to boycott France why because they don't agree with you, because they won't get involved in a war that has no evidence of needing to go to war or they don't want to send the people of to the slaughter house. Get real. This is wrong for you to go to another country to over throw it's leadership, it is just wrong. To say on the news that you are just wanting to kill this man that is wrong that is assassination. That is a terrorist act. Destroying a country and saying that you are doing it to free them is wrong. You might free there sprits from there body because you have killed them all. Maybe you guys forget all the wars of the past were it always comes to light later that the US has lied inregards to what they were doing an why they did it, did you guys forget Vietnam, the pentagon papers (there is a movie and a book on this). All the lie's and cover-ups that came from our own goverment, from the reason of being their to that fact that they used Agent Orange on there own people the on top of that did not even take care of the soldiers that returned home. what about Desert Strom more greed and reckless use of power and then more instances with troops coming home with strange illness's that the goverment dismissed till now. Now they call it Gulf war Syndrome and they still got men that can't reproduce or sleep properly. Finally the goverment said "ohh yeah we might have exposed our troops to some chemicals". This is your same goverment were are talking about here. The list goes on.
    You war guys don't even know what this war is for. you say it is a world war on terror, you say it is to free the country, you say it is to stop threats on the US, you say it is to bring peace in the mid east, you say it is to get rid of his weapons of mass destruction.
    What the hell do you guys even know.
  3. t_sims224

    t_sims224 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    1. It is not a world war on Terror because the world is not for this action, why because it is known that this cat had nothing to do with 911, not saying he is not a bad guy but nothing to do with us.
    2. It is not for peace in the mid east, the US is the cause of the issues over there. Do your research Israel is Palestine. The US with the aid of the UN took these peoples country which was Palestine and turned it into Israel. That is wrong, if some person were to come take your home or property you would have a very serious problem with them you might want to attack them even. That is why there is that issue. Then you got Iran and Iraq. Do you people not remember the Iran Contra affair your own goverment over her admitted to funding and sending weaponry over there for them to commence war on each other. People this is nothing new this was only some years back were Ollie North was brought up on charges and so was the gentleman that now runs our home land security. Open your eyes.
    3. It is definitely not to free the people, maybe to get a man that won't bow down to us that is about it. This country has never cared about any person of color. follow history anything there is a person of color involved there is theft,slavery, oppression or war. Maybe it is to get someone that does not like to deal with us out of there so we have more access to there resources. I beat you did not know that all of the presidents top advisors excluding Collin Powell but including the Vice press Chenney were all top oil execs. And that our presidents biggest family bizzness is oil. How ironic.
    4. As for weapons of mass destruction it has been twelve years where the hell are they you keep talking about stuff that has not been validated, you say this man has them, so where are they, you say this man has them...so why has he not used them. This guy is suppose to be so evil and a Tyrant if he had these weapons why not use them, there is a war over there would this not be the time to use them. But you have not seen any weapons so this got nothing to do with that. IT is just like credit if you say this is mine or I have something you have to be able to validate it and if you can't validate it then everything is supposed to be dismissed. Well it has been forever and no one has seen these so called weapons.
    5. It is definitely not for our freedom or freedom of anything for that matter. Iraq is a 70 year old country we have had our so called freedoms for long before that and have continued to. There is no threat there. And as for freedom I want you people to ask your self since we live in the land of the free what is actually free. there was a so called free presidential election that turned into a huge debacle were it was noted that hundreds of thousands of votes were tossed out, but note there was never a re-vote or anything they simple just put this man in the presidential. If every vote is not heard and the people of the country did not appoint him then that is blatantly against our so called freedoms and against the constitution. Doesn't the US say that the people did not approve of Sadam being in power and they did not vote him in. Well look around you our president was not voted into office either, what is wrong with this picture. Moving along. We get bent over the barrel with supper high taxes then we get taxed on everything income, investments, sales and property. We get social security but damn we done worked all our life and paid into that we should get it and we should get more then what is given to us. We don't get free health benefits and care like many other countries do. So what the hell is free here not a damn thing. You got speech, but heck if someone don't like what your saying you might get a bullet in the head or called anti-American, look at President Kennedy. So were is all the freedom.

    If this is not for oil or region control ask yourself why the president would say in his address to the country "please don't destroy the oil". He said that when he made his speech at the start of the war. Also note that the president, vice president both and his top advisors excluding Collen Powell were all chairmen or directors at various oil companies also that the presidents biggest family bizzness is oil.

    On that note people I am done, the handful of people that are for this action and that have responded on this board make up less then the number of fingers on my hand are a waste of my time. And if you enjoy being a blind sheep lead to the slaughter then that is on you. The sad reality is that's exactly what our president is doing to our soldiers. (and Note I do have people over there that might not ever come back)

    PS. To clarify for Thetraveler my fico comment was not directed at everyone. Only you. and it was to point out that you started a credit repair process and your score has gone down and not up. What I was saying is you don't look pretty smart for that one. Get a clue

  4. thetravele

    thetravele Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    I am going to reply only to two things you said sims. You claim that they war is for oil based on what Bush said. Part of the war probably is for the oil but we are not the only country concerned about oil. I will lead you to France who has very cheap oil contracts with Saddam. They would prefer that we never got into this war so they could keep getting their cheap oil. Even now in the UN they are asking that their oil contracts be honored after the war. Give me a break.

    "PS. To clarify for Thetraveler my fico comment was not directed at everyone. Only you. and it was to point out that you started a credit repair process and your score has gone down and not up. What I was saying is you don't look pretty smart for that one. Get a clue"

    LOL. Don't try and cover your a** now. It was very clear what you said. I have chosen not to spend the 12.95 to get another FICO(I mean FAKO) score. But in any case what does my FICO score have to do with anything? Because it went down? It was because EQ re-inserted some incorrect info and in the process violated the FRCA. But because of EQ's disregard for following the correct procedures it means i'm less intelligent than someone else? Get real and don't comment on something you know nothing about. It was a stupid comment and you know it.

    Oh, and by the way "the whole world" is not against the war. Please don't make general comments to bolster your weak case against war. Be specific or don't make them at all.
  5. t_sims224

    t_sims224 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    Ok yeah sure I have a weak case being that you were able to clearly validate none of what your previously said nor were you even able to answer a drop of what I stated in my previous to msgs. So if you would like to speak on Case's, look at the substance of you msg and look at mine. Neither of use have to decide I think it looks very clear. Your little paragraph and my numerous paragraphs of fact based information. And your right the entire world is not opposed to this war but only the U.S and the U.K are for it. So how many countries does that leave out, hmm........... much more then the population of both the U.S and U.K combined.

    PS. My response to the Fico comment was not a clean up also. It simply was stating that you try to make correction but your corrections are going the opposite. You say you want positive but you produce a negative. Stop looking for supporters you have your couple sheep be happy and ignorant by your lonesome. You simply had no case and proved no point. Go learn something then come back. Didn't I tell you about your one-sided commentary, you supposedly have a brain, well pull it out your A*S and use it. Don't waste your energy or our time on a response you shall just make yourself look worse.
  6. thetravele

    thetravele Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    "my numerous paragraphs of fact based information"

    Your posts consisted of one huge paragraph and a couple small ones. I was beginning to wonder if you knew what a paragraph is. PLEASE, PLEASE use the spell checker at the end of your post. Alot of your sentences were very hard to understand or totally unintelligible.

    "And your right the entire world is not opposed to this war but only the U.S and the U.K are for it. So how many countries does that leave out"

    There are between 30-35 countries who are supporting the war. And in all the countries there are people that are either for the war or against it. There are French, German, Turkish,and Russian people that support the war. Just because the government doesn't support the war doesn't mean people who live there don't.. Your general comments are just stupid.

    "PS. My response to the Fico comment was not a clean up also. It simply was stating that you try to make correction but your corrections are going the opposite"

    What????? Do you not know how to compose a sentence? This is why I don't respond to some of you comments, I just don't understand them(do you?).

    "Part of the war probably is for the oil but we are not the only country concerned about oil. I will lead you to France who has very cheap oil contracts with Saddam. They would prefer that we never got into this war so they could keep getting their cheap oil. Even now in the UN they are asking that their oil contracts be honored after the war. Give me a break."

    Why do you just ignore this? It's because you know it's true. When someone calls you on something you just ignore it.

    "Peter Jennings's let me remind you this is the same guy that said we will own Iraq in a matter of days."

    You keep referring to this one comment. Peter Jennings doen't speak for anyone but himself. Unless you hear it from someone in the American government don't use it against the government.

    "You guys want to boycott France why because they don't agree with you"

    No because they are two faced. They are trying to say this is about Iraq and their people but in truth it is because they want to keep their generous oil contracts with Saddam.

    "This is wrong for you to go to another country to over throw it's leadership, it is just wrong"

    Did you speak out about this when Iraq invaded Kuwait and looted and killed thousands of people? What about Afghanistan? Should we have left the Taliban and Al-Queda in power there? I don't think so. Do you?

    " You might free there sprits from there body because you have killed them all"

    Oh please, So far we have gone out of our way to avoid civilian casualties. We could be carpet bombing parts of Iraq instead of using precision guided weapons. We have suffered more casualties because we have tried to avoid killing too many civilians. It is war and it will happen.

    "it always comes to light later that the US has lied in regards to what they were doing an why they did it, did you guys forget Vietnam, the pentagon papers (there is a movie and a book on this). All the lie's and cover-ups that came from our own government, from the reason of being their to that fact that they used Agent Orange on there own people the on top of that did not even take care of the soldiers that returned home"

    Your right. When you make a statement that is actually intelligent I will admit it. But you also have to understand we EVERY countries does this. I wish it didn't happen but thats life.

    "What the hell do you guys even know"

    What seems to make you an expert and the rest of us stupid? Because we don't agree with you? Thats our right as Americans.

    "Iran Contra affair your own governments over her admitted to funding and sending weaponry over there "

    Is it not your country also? You seem to really hate the American government. I know personally I wouldn't stay somewhere that I didn't like. I am lucky, alot of people in the world don't get that option.

    "4. As for weapons of mass destruction it has been twelve years where the hell are they you keep talking about stuff that has not been validated, you say this man has them, so where are they, you say this man has them...so why has he not used them"

    Well for one the found a suspected chemical weapons plant yesterday. We will see if it has or had WMD. If he actually uses them world opinion will shift directly against him. people like you will not be able to say "where are they??" I will bet before the war is over Iraq will have used some chemical weapons, you will then eat those words.

    "This guy is suppose to be so evil and a Tyrant "

    SUPPOSE?????????????? He is EVIL. He has used chemical weapons on HIS OWN people. Get a clue.

    "So what the hell is free here not a damn thing. You got speech, but heck if someone don't like what your saying you might get a bullet in the head or called anti-American,"

    Being called Anti-American is a right someone has. Are you worried that the government is going to come to your house and kill your family if you don't vote a certain way? Most Americans don't even vote. But the minute something goes wrong they are the first people to say something about it.

    "If this is not for oil or region control ask yourself why the president would say in his address to the country "please don't destroy the oil""

    Do you not remember what Iraq did to Kuwait? Doesn't the oil belong to the people of Iraq? When Saddam is gone Iraq will have to sell oil to make money. They need the money to rebuild. hello????

    "waste of my time"

    If its a waste of your time, why do you keep responding? Could it be that there are things being said that proves you wrong?

    I can see you have a deep hatred of what the government has done to people in the past. While we have done some bad things but we have done far more good things than bad. It is my right to disagree and believe what I want. You should not consider someone stupid because they disagree with you.
  7. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 Hour left...........

    So, does posting quotes from racists, or quotes that may hurt one ethnic group or another make you a racist? Just curious.
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    ...Who's Smarter? Part 1***

    Who's Smarter?

    The Hollywood group is at it again. Holding anti-war rallies, screaming
    about the Bush Administration, running ads in major newspapers, defaming
    the President and his Cabinet every chance they get, to anyone and
    everyone who will listen. They publicly defile them and call them names
    like "stupid," "morons," and "idiots." Jessica Lange went so far as to
    tell a crowd in Spain that she hates President Bush and is embarrassed to
    be an American.

    So, just how ignorant are these people who are running the country? Let's
    look at the biographies of these "stupid," "ignorant," "moronic" leaders,
    and then at the celebrities who are castigating them:

    President George W. Bush:
    Received a Bachelors Degree from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard
    Business School. He served as an F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National
    Guard. He began his career in the oil and gas business in Midland in 1975
    and worked in the energy industry until 1986. He was elected Governor on
    November 8, 1994, with 53.5 percent of the vote. In a historic re-election
    victory, he became the first Texas Governor to be elected to consecutive
    four-year terms on November 3, 1998 winning 68.6 percent of the vote. In
    1998 Governor Bush won 49 percent of the Hispanic vote, 27 percent of the
    African-American vote, 27 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of women. He
    won more Texas counties, 240 of 254, than any modern Republican other than
    Richard Nixon in 1972 and is the first Republican gubernatorial candidate
    to win the heavily Hispanic and Democratic border counties of El Paso,
    Cameron and Hidalgo. (Someone began circulating a false story about his
    I.Q. being lower than any other President. If you believed it, you might
    want to go to URBANLEGENDS.COM and see the truth.)

    Vice President Dick Cheney:
    Earned a B.A. in 1965 and a M.A. in 1966, both in political science.
    Two years later, he won an American Political Science Association
    congressional fellowship. One of Vice President Cheney's primary duties
    is to share with individuals, members of Congress and foreign leaders,
    President Bush's vision to strengthen our economy, secure our homeland and
    win the War on Terrorism. In his official role as President of the
    Senate, Vice President Cheney regularly goes to Capital Hill to meet with
    Senators and members of the House of Representatives to work on the
    Administration's legislative goals. In his travels as Vice President, he
    has seen first hand the great demands the war on terrorism is placing on
    the men and women of our military, and he is proud of the tremendous job
    they are doing for the United States of America.

    Secretary of State Colin Powell:
    Educated in the New York City public schools, graduating from the City
    College of New York (CCNY), where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in
    geology. He also participated in ROTC at CCNY and received a commission
    as an Army second lieutenant upon graduation in June 1958. His further
    academic achievements include a Master of Business Administration Degree
    from George Washington University. Secretary Powell is the recipient of
    numerous U.S. and foreign military awards and decorations. Secretary
    Powell's civilian awards include two Presidential Medals of Freedom, the
    President's Citizens Medal, the Congressional Gold Medal, the Secretary of
    State Distinguished Service Medal, and the Secretary of Energy
    Distinguished Service Medal. Several schools and other institutions have
    been named in his honor and he holds honorary degrees from universities
    and colleges across the country. (Note: He retired as Four Star General
    in the United States Army)

    Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld:
    Attended Princeton University on Scholarship (AB, 1954) and served in the
    U.S. Navy (1954-57) as a Naval aviator; Congressional Assistant to Rep.
    Robert Griffin (R-MI), 1957-59; U.S. Representative, Illinois, 1962-69;
    Assistant to the President, Director of the Office of Economic
    Opportunity, Director of the Cost of Living Council, 1969-74; U.S.
    Ambassador to NATO, 1973-74; head of Presidential Transition Team, 1974;
    Assistant to the President, Director of White House Office of Operations,
    White House Chief of Staff, 1974-77; Secretary of Defense, 1975-77.

    Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge:
    Raised in a working class family in veterans' public housing in Erie. He
    earned a scholarship to Harvard, graduating with honors in 1967. After
    his first year at The Dickinson School of Law, he was drafted into the
    U.S. Army, where he served as an infantry staff sergeant in Vietnam,
    earning the Bronze Star for Valor. After returning to Pennsylvania, he
    earned his Law Degree and was in private practice before becoming
    Assistant District Attorney in Erie County. He was elected to Congress in
    1982. He was the first enlisted Vietnam combat veteran elected to the U.S.
    House, and was overwhelmingly re-elected six times.

    National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice:
    Earned her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, Cum Laude and Phi Beta
    Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her Master's from the
    University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School
    of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. (Note:
    Rice enrolled at the University of Denver at the age of 15, graduating at
    19 with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science (Cum Laude). She earned
    a Master's Degree at the University of Notre Dame and a Doctorate from the
    University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies. Both of
    her advanced degrees are also in Political Science.) She is a Fellow of
    the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded Honorary
    Doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in
    1994, and the University of Notre Dame in 1995. At Stanford, she has been
    a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a
    Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by
    courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include Germany Unified
    and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow, The Gorbachev Era
    (1986) with Alexander Dallin, and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union
    and the Czechoslovak Army (1984). She also has written numerous articles
    on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed
    audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in
    Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National
    Conventions. From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German
    reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the
    Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and
    East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special
    Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while
    an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she
    served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -
    Integrated Training in the Military. She was a member of the boards of
    directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the
    William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the
    International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco
    Symphony Board of Governors. She was a Founding Board member of the
    Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in
    East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of
    the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula. In addition, her past board
    service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica Corporation,
    Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for
    International Peace, The Rand Corporation, the National Council for Soviet
    and East European Studies, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED,
    public broadcasting for San Francisco. Born November 14, 1954 in
    Birmingham, Alabama, she resides in Washington, D.C.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    ...Who's Smarter? Part 2***

    So who are these celebrities? What is their education? What is their
    experience in affairs of State or in National Security? While I will
    defend to the death their right to express their opinions, I think that if
    they are going to call into question the intelligence of our leaders, we
    should also have all the facts on their educations and background:

    Barbra Streisand : Completed high school
    Career: Singing and acting

    Cher: Dropped out of school in 9th grade.
    Career: Singing and acting

    Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton.
    Career: Acting

    Jessica Lange: Dropped out college mid-freshman year.
    Career: Acting

    Alec Baldwin: Dropped out of George Washington U. after scandal.
    Career: Acting

    Julia Roberts: Completed high school.
    Career: Acting

    Sean Penn: Completed High school.
    Career: Acting

    Susan Sarandon: Degree in Drama from Catholic University of America in
    Washington, D.C.
    Career: Acting

    Ed Asner; Completed High school.
    Career: Acting

    George Clooney: Dropped out of University of Kentucky.
    Career: Acting

    Michael Moore: Dropped out first year University of Michigan.
    Career:Movie Director

    Sarah Jessica Parker: Completed High School.
    Career: Acting

    Jennifer Anniston: Completed High School.
    Career: Acting

    Mike Farrell: Completed High school.
    Career: Acting

    Janeane Garofelo: Dropped out of College.
    Career: Stand up comedienne

    Larry Hagman: Attended Bard College for one year.
    Career: Acting

    While comparing the education and experience of these two groups, we
    should also remember that President Bush and his cabinet are briefed
    daily, even hourly, on the War on Terror and threats to our security.
    They are privy to information gathered around the world concerning the
    Middle East, the threats to America, the intentions of terrorists and
    terrorist-supporting governments. They are in constant communication with
    the CIA, the FBI, Interpol, NATO, The United Nations, our own military,
    and that of our allies around the world. We cannot simply believe that we
    have full knowledge of the threats because we watch CNN!!
    We cannot believe that we are in any way as informed as our leaders.

    These celebrities have no intelligence-gathering agents, no fact-finding
    groups, no insight into the minds of those who would destroy our country.
    They only have a deep seated hatred for all things Republican. By nature,
    and no one knows quite why, the Hollywood elitists detest Conservative
    views and anything that supports or uplifts the United States of America.

    The silence was deafening from the Left when Bill Clinton bombed a
    pharmaceutical factory outside of Khartoum, or when he attacked the
    Bosnian Serbs in 1995 and 1999. He bombed Serbia itself to get Slobodan
    Milosevic out of Kosovo, and not a single peace rally was held. When our
    Rangers were ambushed in Somalia and 18 young American lives were lost,
    not a peep was heard from Hollywood. Yet now, after our nation has been
    attacked on its own soil, after 3,000 Americans were killed, by
    freedom-hating terrorists, while going about their routine lives, they
    want to hold rallies against the war. Why the change? Because an honest,
    God-fearing Republican sits in the White House.

    Another irony is that in 1987, when Ronald Reagan was in office, the
    Hollywood group aligned themselves with disarmament groups like SANE,
    FREEZE and PEACE ACTION, urging our own government to disarm and freeze
    the manufacturing of any further nuclear weapons, in order to promote
    world peace. It is curious that now, even after we have heard all the
    evidence that Saddam Hussein has chemical, biological and is very close to
    obtaining nuclear weapons, their is no cry from this group for HIM to
    disarm. They believe we should leave him alone in his quest for these
    weapons of mass destruction, even though it is certain that these deadly
    weapons will eventually be used against us in our own cities.

    So why the hype out of Hollywood? Could these celebrities believe that
    since they draw such astronomical salaries, they are entitled to also
    determine the course of our Nation? That they can make viable decisions
    concerning war and peace? Did Michael Moore have the backing of the
    Nation when he recently thanked France, on our behalf, for being a "good
    enough friend to tell us we were wrong?" I know for certain he was not
    speaking for me. Does Sean Penn fancy himself a Diplomat, in going to
    Iraq when we are just weeks away from war? Does he believe that his High
    School Diploma gives him the knowledge (and the right) to go to a country
    that is controlled by a maniacal dictator, and speak on behalf of the
    American people? Or is it the fact that he pulls in more money per year
    than the average American worker will see in a lifetime? Does his bank
    account give him clout?

    The ultimate irony is that many of these celebrities have made a shambles
    of their own lives, with drug abuse, alcoholism, numerous marriages and
    divorces, scrapes with the law, publicized temper tantrums, etc. How dare
    they pretend to know what is best for an entire nation! What is even more
    bizarre is how many people in this country will listen and accept their
    views, simply because they liked them in a certain movie, or have fond
    memories of an old television sitcom!

    It is time for us, as citizens of the United States, to educate ourselves
    about the world around us. If future generations are going to enjoy the
    freedoms that our forefathers bequeathed us, if they are ever to know
    peace in their own country and their world, to live without fear of
    terrorism striking in their own cities, we must assure that this nation
    remains strong. We must make certain that those who would destroy us are
    made aware of the severe consequences that will befall them.

    Yes, it is a wonderful dream to sit down with dictators and terrorists and
    join hands, singing Cumbaya and talking of world peace. But it is not
    real. We did not stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the entire continent
    of Europe by simply talking to him. We sent our best and brightest, with
    the strength and determination that this Country is known for, and
    defeated the Nazi regime. President John F. Kennedy did not stop the
    Soviet ships from unloading their nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 with
    mere words. He stopped them with action, and threat of immediate war if
    the ships did not turn around. We did not end the Cold War with
    conferences. It ended with the strong belief of President Ronald

    PEACE through STRENGTH.
  11. cjgsav

    cjgsav Well-Known Member

    ...Who's Smarter? Part 2***

    Everything on this page is fact, not political opinion.

    I encourage all who support this administration to challenge any of the FACTS listed below as well as the information documented in the Washington Post article.

    Do not start ranting about Bill Clinton. The only thing he is guilty of is not cleaning up the mess created by the Regan administration.

    Hussien was in power for 10 years under GOP leadership (long before Clinton) and they sat back and watched him rape, torture, and use chemical weapons on the Iranians and Kurds. Chemical weapons we supplied him with no less.

    He was committing the same unspeakable acts back then as he is now. I don't seem to recall any outcry during that time.

    1. How many Iraqis took part in the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center? None

    2. What documented proof has this administration provided that Iraq was involved in any way with the 9-11 attacks? None

    3. What documented proof has this administration provided that Iraq is connected to Al Quaeda? None

    4. How many Saudi's took part in the 9-11 attacks? Many

    5. What nationality is Bin Laden, leader of the group who perpetrated the 9-11 attacks? Saudi

    6. Why is the FBI conducting a nation-wide sweep of Iraqi citizens this week and not Saudi citizens?

    7. How did the Iraqis suddenly become the leading suspects in the war against terror? The administration has very successfully "convinced" much of the lemmings in this country that Iraq played a major role in the 9-11 attacks.

    The reason we are invading Iraq is supplely to remove a mistake made during the Regan years in which many keys players of this administration were responsible for.

    Read for yourself.

  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I Am Coming!

    I Am Coming!

    Dear Terrorists,
    I am a Navy Aviator. I was born and raised in a small town in New England. I come from a family of five. I was raised in a middle class home and taught my values by my mother and father.

    My dad worked a series of jobs in finance and my mom took care of us kids. We were not an overly religious family but at-tended church mostSundays. It was a nice small Episcopal Church. I have a brother and
    sister and I am the youngest in my family. I was the first in many generations to attend college.

    I have flown Naval aircraft for 16 years. For me the flying was never a lifelong dream or a "calling," it just happened. I needed a job and I liked the challenge. I continue to do it today because I feel it is im-
    portant to give back to a nation which has given so much to
    me. I do it because, although I will never be rich, my family will be comfortable.

    I do it because many of my friends have left for the airlines and someone has to do it.

    My government has spent mill-ions to train me to fly these
    multi-milliondollar aircraft. I make about 70,000 dollars a year and after 20 years will be offered a pension.

    I like baseball but think the players make too much mon-
    ey. I am in awe of firemen and policemen and what they do each day for my community, and like teachers, they just don't get paid enough.

    I respect my elders and always use sir or ma'am when ad-dressing a stranger. I'm not sure about kids these days but I think that's normal for every generation.

    I voted for George Bush be-cause I like him. I think I made a pretty good choice.

    I tell you all this because when I come for you, I want you to know me. I won't be hiding behind a woman or a child. I won't be disguised or pre-tending to be something I am not. I will be in a U.S. issue flight suit. I will be wearing standard US issue flight gear, and I will be flying a navy air-craft clearly marked as a US warplane. I wish we could
    meet up close in a small room where I could wrap my hands around your throat and slowly squeeze the life out of you, but unfortunately, you're hiding in a hole in the ground, so we will have to do this a different way.

    I want you to know also that I am very good at what I do. I can put a 2,000 lb weapon through a window from 10,000 feet up. I generally only fly at night, so you may want to start sleeping during the day. I am not eager to die for my country but I am willing to sacrifice my life to protect it from animals like you.

    I will do everything in my power to ensure no civilians are hurt as I take aim at you.

    My countrymen are a forgiv-ing bunch. Many are already forgetting what you did on Sept 11th. But I will not forget, and my President will not for-

    I am coming. I hope you know me a little bit better, see you soon...sleep tight.

    A U.S. Navy Pilot

    Our Soldiers are one
    of our greatest assets!
    God Bless,
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I Am Coming!

    Great post Brown.

    Don't forget Al Gore, who flunked out of divinity school.

    He failed God.

  14. islandboy

    islandboy Well-Known Member

    I Am Coming!

    Why is OK to go back and bring up the Reagan administration but we can not bring up the Clinton blunders of the 90's. It is so typical of the left to tell people what they can argue about and what they can't. These supposed champions of free speech have a habit of tellings us what we can talk about.

    Reagan had a bigger problem with Iran, thanks to Jimmy Carters, so we had to choose a side to support when Iran and Iraq went to war. This "mess" would have been cleaned up if we had some international support during the GULF WAR to remove Saddam, but unfortunaltely it was not there.

    Each President has to clean up something from the previous administration. Clinton, ooppppsss I am not supposed to talk about him-DAMN ME!, could have done his part by doing something about the 1st World Trade Center bombing but I am sure he was too busy reading the over 300 FBI files he had just obtained.

    Sudan had offered up Usama on a silver platter but he declined, this is even on tape. The CIA had a chance to take him out, but Clinton was nowhere to be found to make the call. So what to we suffer, The USS Cole bombing and 9/11.

    Iraq has not ties to Al Qaeda? What was Salman Pak used for? There is an Al Qaeda training camp in Northern Iraq, I suppose Saddam has not idea what is going on in that area right?? Right after 9/11 there were numerous reports of high level Iraqi officials meeting with Al Qaeda in Prague.

    Those on the left need to stop being so bitter and take of their blinders. The threat is real and present. I hope it does not take another 9/11 for you to realize this.

    Before 9/11 no one had real idea that a group of terrorists would high jack airplanes and fly them into buildings. If they did no one would have believed them. And if some one did believe it and there were protective measures put into place with proper investigations follwed by arrests there would outrage just like these anti American war protesters today.

    The basic fact is that the Lunatic Left and the left in general is ill equipped to handle the security and safety of the American people.
  15. cjgsav

    cjgsav Well-Known Member

    I Am Coming!

    Is there anything in my post that is not factual.

    YES or NO?
  16. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: I Am Coming!

  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: I Am Coming!

    1*You might free there sprits from there body because you have killed them all" t_sims224

    2*Oh please, So far we have gone out of our way to avoid civilian casualties.
    2*Right and Sadam Is using this against us by placing his own people as shields against us.
    If it were SADAM attacking us would it work for us against him if we were to put our own people out as shields?

    The END ************************* LB 59
  18. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: I Am Coming!

    Yes, some of your facts are INcorrect.

    But most of your problem is not with the facts, it's with YOUR perception.

    It just so happens I had a few minutes to WASTE.

    Here's one for you CJ:

    "How much of the Anthrax that shut down Capital Hill and half of Washington last year, came from Saddam?


    (BTW, for those from West Palm Beach, Broward or Dade Counties) - there's only ONE correct answer)

    I want to know if CJ knows what it is.

  19. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Human shields

    1*You might free there sprits from there body because you have killed them all" t_sims224

    2*Oh please, So far we have gone out of our way to avoid civilian casualties.
    2*Right and Sadam Is using this against us by placing his own people as shields against us.

    If it were SADAM attacking us would it work for us against him if we were to put our own people out as shields?

    Of course it would not work! Didn't work at the twin towers did it?
    They bombed them anyway didn't they?

    It wouldn't work here because civilians are their preferred targets.

    The END ************************* LB 59
  20. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    From the Emancipation Proclamation:

    And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages.

    The slaves freed by the EP (those in rebellious states not yet under Union Control) were not freed to fight in the war, they were freed in a political move to shift the tone of the Civil War to a moral war. This stopped France and England from aiding the Confederacy.

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