hey all, just pulled my equifax report and I had 1 inquiry drop off thru bumpage....I have 3 remaining...all within 60 days, but I gained 28 pts for that. WOW.
Thickman CONGRATS, I had 10 deleted from Tu and if I get even 50 to 75 points I will be extremely happy. Also do not forget, we aged our accounts by a month today. So some of you accounts may be older and may have helped
KB, I thought about that too..I really want my investigation results to come back. I am trying to rehab some student loans but disputing them also. The SL can be a beast man!
Thickman, this is my 447th post in like 2 months. And if you do a search, 400 of them are on Student loans.
my rehab ends in Novmber so hopefully after that I can be a member of somebody's 700 club across the board.
It may not be just that inquiry that boosted your score so high. It is also the 1st of the month with could have aged your accounts. But hey CoNgRaTs!!!!