1 year post bk, citibank problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lrssms, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. lrssms

    lrssms Member

    I should probably search more, but where I live I'm lucky if I can get 28K so it takes forever.

    My wife and I are 1 year post bk. Her score is over 700 and receives credit offers all the time. We both had 4 or 5 credit cards that survived the bk and have been responsibly using them to rebuild our credit. We also refinanced our home at a rate of 5.75- 10 months after bk.

    My score was 570 last september, 630 in January and now 627. The finance company said I needed to address my credit report because a company was still putting derogs on my record.

    I found out it was Citibank - The still list it as a charge-off and last late payment notice was last month.

    Is there a form letter I should send to citibank? What should I say? I know to send it certified mail.
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I would dispute it with the CRA first. Hopefully the most simple straightforward way will get it taken care of.

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